Hughbert House

House in Norman

This house is the first house that I ever bought on my own and where I currently reside. It brings me so much joy. It was built in 1923 and was relocated to its current location in the First Courthouse district in the late 1900s. It was completely gutted and redone and the inside by the previous owner, but still has a lot of the charm of an old house, like the big brick fireplace, and original sink. I feel so happy every time I pull into the driveway just knowing that it is my own house. It is very unique and quirky, just like me, and the first time I saw it I wasn’t even in the market to buy a new home. After seeing it pop up on Zillow, I decided right then and there that I was only going to buy a house if it was this house, and that’s exactly what happened. I fell in love with it!

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