Government st. presbyterian church

James Gallier designed the Greek Revival style church with Charles and James Dakin. It was built from 1836-1837 in Mobile, Alabama. This is a great example of architecture which was declared a national historic landmark in 1992. The façade is a distyle in antis, where the flanking walls extended to the front of the portico. The exterior entrance has modest Ionic pillars, but inside the sanctuary there are ornate Corinthian pillars. The side walls have large full size windows to allow light and the front and rear are solid walls. The balcony skirts the sanctuary with a large area on the back wall for an organ framed with more pillars. The original pews are still in the sanctuary which is remarkable. It’s dark black walnut accents the white well. The coffered ceiling adds depth to the room. I personally like this example of Gallier’s work since it has been preserved so well and continues to be used.

Newsletters — Government Street Presbyterian Church
Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar — Government Street Presbyterian Church

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