Gould Hall – Ou

Definitely the most influential building to me has been Gould Hall. When school is in session, it is where I spend most of my time and do almost all of my learning. I really like the huge arch that separates the library from the classrooms, and I also like the long hallways where the teacher’s offices are. Plus, since it is located right next to the stadium finding parking is easy. I also think the architecture studio that covers almost all of the third floor is impressive and adds good variety to the building. Plus, the exposed components of the building allows for easy hands on examples of building design, and the construction classroom has components color coded. Feels like you are in a BIM model. Not counting the really bad sinks, I think that Gould is a very convenient building that serves its purpose very well. I do find it ironic that Gould, which is the architecture building, is right next to the much more beautiful Gaylord Hall, the journalism building.

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