Gold Dome OKC

The OKC Gold Dome is located off of 23rd and Classen in Oklahoma City and was built in 1958. This building is an iconic landmark in the OKC metro and is widely recognized by the locals. Every day on my commute to work and school, I drive by this building. There hasn’t been a single OKC resident I’ve met without a story or memory attached to the building. However, in my time living in the city, I have never seen the building thrive or bustling with people. I know others who have attended high school dances, bar parties, etc, but to me it has always been a ghost town. I have even made bets with friends on what company may purchase it or what it could become next. I think about this building as I drive by every day and hope I have an excuse to visit inside soon.

A view from the second floor inside the Gold Dome building on the southeast corner of NW 23 and Classen in Oklahoma City, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017. Photo by Nate Billings, The Oklahoman
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