Foshay Tower (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

The FOSHAY Tower, a skyscraper from the past that blends in with the future. Being from Minneapolis, my father made sure my sisters and I knew about the history of this building. It stood as the lone skyscraper in Minneapolis for years before the skyline we see today was developed. The building itself sure does look old from the outside. I can remember gazing at the concrete facade that reaches into the sky, and just wondering how something like this could even be thought up. The lobby is the first thing you see, and it is a good representation of how the building operated. It seemed like protection was the theme. I can only imagine to the lengths taken to ensure safety and structural integrity on this building. This feeling of safety is stripped from you , though, as soon as you take the elevator ride to the top floor. A wrap-around terrace covered in chain link fencing holds you above the city. Although my fear of heights kept me from exploring extensively up there, I remember thinking what it would’ve been like to work on that building back then, and have the satisfaction of seeing as far as one could see overtop of the terrain of central Minnesota.

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