Fort Jackson Fox 2-13

On January 2nd, 2019, I was shipped off to basic training in South Carolina. This was a whole new experience for me and my family seeing as I was the first member in my family to join the Army. I knew it would be tough but I could handle it. I was a long way from home, had no contact with my family except through letters, and had 3 months to go. I was assigned to Foxtrot Company in the 2 battalion 13 regiment, hence Fox2-13. My drill sergeants were crazy but I truly would not have asked for any other ones. They taught me so much and helped me discover a part of myself that I never knew existed. Completing basic training is the biggest success of my life. I was able to prove to everyone who always thought I was spoiled and that I never had to work for anything wrong, I was able to prove to myself that I could do anything I wanted to. I got to meet some of my best friends there. This building will be one I remember for the rest of my life.

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