Edmond Masonic Lodge #37 A.F.&A.M.

I am including my Masonic Lodge as a place that has had a large positive impact on me, from an architectural viewpoint. The Lodge is where I first learned about the five orders of architecture, and the act of building is something very important to Freemasonry. I once read somebody describe it this way: a Freemason is to a stonemason (and architect), as an alchemist is to a chemist, or an astrologer to an astronomer. So as a Freemason myself, I learn about ancient architectural tools and how to symbolically apply them to my life in order to become a better person. While this is quite removed from actual practical architecture, and while I couldn’t possibly be an architect just based on the information I learned at Lodge, it is quite important to me and it has greatly impacted my view of architecture in general.

Masonic Lodges are all laid out according to a symbolically-significant architecture. The cardinal directions are important with relation to the different officer seats and places. Where a candidates moves within the Lodge during his initiation rituals is also symbolically significant. Learning all of this has taught me a lot about symbolic architecture, and I will never view a Masonic Lodge or any symbolically-built building the same after learning about this.

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