This design by Libeskind is absolutely incredible. It sits at home in France, and acts as a station to the many pedestrians who seek travel in Nice, France. I think of this building as a reflection of mountains. The facade houses so much glazing that the building almost acts as a mirror to the outside world. Reflecting some beautiful views. I read that this project in Nice was set to reinvent the landscape of their urban area. Reconnecting places and making the area more friendly to the people who inhabit it. I also learned that it is modeled after the element “azerite”, I don’t know exactly what that is, but after seeing the building, I am sure that Ive been exposed to it before. Although the picture looks very realistic, an article said that this project was finishing sometime in 2020. So, looks like the world has a beautiful baby building who’s ready to change the way people design and work.

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