Deok Su Gung Palace

Deok Su Gung palace is one of the famous palaces in Seoul, Korea. It was built before Japan took over Korea but was immensely destroyed during the colonial period so now only one third of the palace remains. The palace is located in the middle of Seoul’s busiest downtown intersection. The moment you enter the palace, the sound of nature will surround your ears. It felt very nice to be separated from the busy hustling sound of the city. Deok Su Gung palace was the very first palace that infused both western and Korean style architectures. It looked quite odd to see a western architecture right next to the traditional Korean architecture. There were so many gardens around the palace so it was very peaceful and calm. The palace was surrounded by a long, elegant wall. Even the wall itself looked beautiful because it had a unique, Korean traditional design. Although the palace itself was stunning, I felt a little sad as I was looking around because the palace was temporarily used for royal families since they were forced to leave the main palace during the colonial era. Even this palace had to get mostly destroyed in the end. But I’m glad that I was still able to encounter one of the remaining of Korea’s historical palace.

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