Dale Hall

Dale Hall gives me conflicting feelings. First off, when I think of Dale Hall, I just think of the front building on the south oval and not Dale Tower. There is something simplistic but nice about the building. I had the majority of my classes at Dale Hall both my freshman and sophomore year. I also have ROTC classes in Dale Hall every semester since freshman year. And finally, I have had and run all my skydiving club meetings in Dale Hall. During the day, I think of Dale Hall as super busy and congested with traffic. During the evening, I think of it as peaceful with clubs having meetings. When I think or look at Dale Hall, I get a mix of anxiety (from ROTC and classes with exams) and comfort (because of knowing the building very well and it is a familiar sight). I have probably spent most of my time at Dale Hall during my time at OU so it definitely has more sentimental value than other buildings. I also have a lot of fantastic memories at Dale Hall like running my club meetings which add to the sentimental value.

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