Cowboy’s stadium

Cowboy’s Stadium or as some refer to as “Jerry World,” is North Texas attraction that brings in people from all over. The stadium is home to the Dallas Cowboys and was recently renovated and reopened in 2010. the stadium is located in Arlington, Texas which is right outside of Dallas. I live in the neighboring town of Cedar Hill, so Cowboy’s Stadium is a place I am connected to through my childhood. I attended my first Cowboy game and my first concert at the stadium and I remember the hype that surrounded the reopening in 2010.

Cowboy’s Stadium is 3.1 million square feet, can seat up to 100,000 people, and has a retractable roof. The stadium was meant to create the ultimate NFL experience with an exclusive 5-star feel. The two massive steel arches and glasses walls and windows give it a luxury image.

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