couch residence hall

I moved into Couch as a freshman in 2018. It was an exciting time – moving away from home and the parents and starting a whole new chapter in my life. I remember noticing moving day that the outside wasn’t anything special; just a tall, ugly brick building but I could’ve cared less. When I walked in however I remember thinking this place is really old. I was right – it was built in 1966 and I’m pretty sure nothing had changed much since. My dorm room itself was not much better. It was the size of a large closet and felt claustrophobic. Even though I was moving in with my really good friend, I knew this was going to be rough. Within the first month, our toilet overflowed flooding much of the room which wasn’t great. It wasn’t all bad of course. Being close to campus was awesome, the freedom I had was fantastic, and I became close friends with my suite-mates as well as many other people. We made many great memories there but as for the building itself, I don’t miss it one bit.

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