Cinderella Castle (Walt disney World)

The first time I encountered this structure, I was in high school, and it was my first long trip away from home. I was without my family and, I had also gotten on a plane for the first time. Seeing this castle represented my courage of going on the trip in the first place.

Upon first glance at this building, I was surprised at how big it actually looked. Having had high expectations before I went to see Cinderella Castle, I was afraid I’d be let down. I was pleasantly surprised at how “magical” the structure did look.

In 2018 I was able to revisit the castle, this time with my family. I was excited to see their reactions and first impressions of the structure. The second time I went to the castle, I was filled with joy and excitement. This castle came to represent so many fond memories for my family and me.

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