Carson Engineering Center

The Carson Engineering Center is the place where I had my very first class at OU. I can remember me and my mom walking on orientation day from near the dorm areas to this building and thinking about how I was going to walk all that way 3 times a week. I learned that it’s not so bad but I still chose to drive to a parking lot on Jenkins and walk from there which was closer. The interesting thing is that the course I had in this building was not an engineering course but rather Comp 1. I did enjoy the class so I don’t have bad memories or a bad experience coming to this building every MWF, but I guess I am reminded a little bit of the freshmen nerves that you experience going to your first class and trying to make sure you’ve arrived at the right place and on time. Also, I used to rush from this building to my car to drive to the Westheimer airport for flying so coming to this building made for an interesting freshmen experience.

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