boston avenue methodist episcopal church by bruce goff

Goff who is known for doing a large amount of work within Oklahoma was part of a team that constructed this masterpiece in the late 1920’s. Goff is recognized and given the majority of the credit for designing the outside part of this church. This building was built in an area when Modernism was a popular design idea, but was rarely applied to religious building so this makes the church unique in its own way. Another thing that stands out is the massive 225 foot tower that towers over the building. During this time period the use of new materials was expanding, and the use of steel made it possible for Goff and other architects to construct this tower in a time when skyscrapers were relatively new and very popular. Some other interesting features of the building are carvings and other exterior decorations assembled by the team that include some native flowers being displayed on the building. In 1989, this church was proclaimed to be in the top ten buildings within Oklahoma. As an individual who does not go to Tulsa where this building is located I have never set eyes on it, but when I get a chance I would like to see it eventually. It should be known this building is also recognized as a National Historic Landmark.

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