Blog 2 – Gerrit Rietveld

            This was a pavilion that Gerrit Rietveld designed back in 1955. Its purpose was to display sculptures. Some sculptures still remain inside, and they look more along the lines of Beetlejuice type sculptures. I really enjoyed this piece as it is very open but is inviting at the same time. It almost feels like it was meant to be one with nature as you don’t feel trapped inside the enclosure. Brick like walls accompanied by windowpanes above and some on the bottom level throughout gives it a pretty design overall in my opinion.

The Van Gogh Museum was another piece designed by Rietveld. This design caught my eye due to one half of the building being encased in a circular concrete wall while the other half is see through due to the tall glass window panes. This design choice makes me want to travel and go see the building in person just to experience this awesome piece of architecture.

       This is the Rietveld Schroder House in Utrecht. It was designed in 1924 and serves as a heritage sight for the UNESCO. You can book tours to explore the home as no one lives in it to my knowledge. The inside is also furnished with some of Rietveld’s other pieces as he designed furniture also. This piece was designed to welcome nature as all the windows open completely and gave a sense of living within the confides of having no walls. It is just a very fun and quirky design overall with the different colors and geometric shapes covering the outsides walls of the structure.

            As mentioned above, Rietveld not only designed structures, but he also designed furniture. I had to include this one because it just does not seem very practical to me although it is a fun design. It looks like to me the top would snap off as soon as you went to go pop a squat. This was his zig zag chair design and was also some of the furniture that is in the Schroder house today.

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