Blog 1

The first building that comes to mind is the Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium or otherwise known as Jerry’s World. I have had the privilege of going to this stadium twice now. One was for one of Dallas’s pre-season games against the Raiders and the other time was when OU played Nebraska in the last Big 12 championship game back in 2010. The structure itself is absolutely massive and I was in awe both times I have gone to it.

The second building is a building here on campus known as Gould Hall which is the architecture building. This building has always held a place in my heart because I started out as an Architecture major but have since then switched to Architectural engineering. If it wasn’t for architecture, then I probably wouldn’t be here at OU in the first place so that’s why it holds a place in my heart. I would also come and chill in the lobby area while I was waiting for the shuttles to Lloyd Noble as it felt more welcoming than other buildings on campus to me.

The third building is also another building here on campus known as Devon Hall. The reason why this building sticks out to me is because of how many hours I have spent here studying and doing homework or projects for courses during my time at OU. That has changed due to COVID unfortunately as I opt to study from my apartment now. I really enjoy the layout of the building and all the windows in the study rooms. Looking out over campus and seeing the football stadium serves as a nice change when you’re stuck studying for hours on end.

The fourth building is the BOK Center located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I always thought this building had a very unique design and is pretty large for an event center also. This was where I saw my first concert back in 2008, I believe. It was for my favorite band of all time, Metallica. That concert it still my favorite concert I have been to. I also watched Nitro Circus perform here with all of their dirt bike stunts and such. TOOL came here a year or so ago but I had to miss it unfortunately.

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