Bizzell memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a building in the middle of the University of Oklahoma’s campus. This building is so fascinating to me because of its different aspects. On some of the floors the building seems somewhat dated but still very useful. However, on one of the floors it is a complete architectural change it is very modern with a coffee bar and lots of different areas to group up with other people. On the other hand, on the outside the building seems to me like a Gothic style of architecture. The different aspects of the building is what makes it the most fun to me. I think the meaning of the building was to be a large building for students, faculty, and the community to come and congregate and they have succeeded in that sense. It affects me in a positive way by allowing me to come and study in the nooks and rooms of this huge beautiful building.

University of Oklahoma July 2019 69 (Bizzell Memorial Library).jpg

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