BAvinger House by bruce goff

I chose this building by Goff because when I first saw it the words that came out of my mouth were, “what in the world am I looking at?” I whole heartedly believe that was probably most peoples first impression when the saw this architectural phenomenon in person. Sadly, I learned that this building was apparently leveled in April of 2016 and that nothing remains there due to change in ownership. I’d say that might be a bad decision on the owners part, but maybe they had some other kind of plans. The story tells us about how Goff met a young art professor, Bavinger, during their time at the University of Oklahoma. The idea that Bavinger presented to Goff was that he wanted to break away from the traditional “box” like home style and create something unique to their life styles. The family said that they wanted an open home that lacked rooms, and was able to support their family, art creations, tropical plants, and their fish. I believe you could say these were some unique demands, but Goff was known to be a unique architect and proved to be perfect for the job. The home itself somewhat looks like a DNA helix and instead of bedrooms the family would sleep in UFO like pods that hung by cables from the roof. Apparently even some of Goff’s students contributed to the construction involved in building the house. Once completed in 1955 the house drew a lot of visitors for a while and was quite the sight. Sadly, though as time went by the house aged and was needing a lot of restorations. As I said in the beginning the ownership was eventually transferred and the building was gone as of 2016 after a lot of controversy. It is a shame that so many people including myself will never see this building, but at least we a have pictures.

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