Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

McKenzie Morgan

The Auckland Art Gallery was designed by two firms, Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) and Archimedia. This structure was planned to provide an organic, natural experience. As you can see in the picture, the tree-like canopies are an eye-catching structure of the building. These geometrically shaped canopies are made out of natural timber and hanged to look like the Pohutukawa Trees.

Below the canopies are large glass windows covering the entire wall. These windows allow views from in and out, providing the art gallery with an inviting environment. This architectural design opens the gallery to its surrounding park and public spaces. I love the idea of connecting the inside of the building to its outside environment.

It was interesting to find out that two architecture firms worked together on this project especially when they are known for different styles. FJMT has a reputation for high-profiled buildings, while Archimedia is known for its strong commitment to sustainability. So, it is impressive to see that these two firms can create a design that provides a futuristic yet earthy atmosphere.

The Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki designed by fjmt
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