Aspen Heights House

This is the house/apartment I have lived in since sophomore year of college so it is now my third year living in it. I thought it was a very interesting design and kind of reminded me of small beach houses. All the buildings are similar but they all have different colored siding just like at the beach. What I thought was really interesting is all the houses are backwards in the complex. The houses face each other with a sidewalk in-between the rows. All of the parking is at the back of the houses which means you are always at the back and enter through the back door. However, the front of the house is very appealing and I love the front porch and the balcony. The house gives me a comforting feeling because I know it is home and it is what I am familiar with. Even though there are exact same models of my home, I don’t feel the same way when I enter other peoples houses. I have grown accustom to the smell and decorations of my house. I have a very weird feeling when I think about having to move out at the end of the school year.

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