anna heringer’s Meti School

Anna Heringer is a famous female architect based in Laufen Germany. Opened in 2005, the METI School is one of her most popular works of architecture, as it was built entirely out of materials coming from the ground. Located in Bangladesh, Heringer implemented low cost building techniques that included using mud and bamboo shoots to form the walls and roof, and assistance from the locals to help build it. The METI School is known as the “Handmade” school because it was literally built by the hands of the people who send their children there to learn. Allowing the locals to help build this school taught them valuable skills on how to build and plan, which 100% enhanced their daily lives. I really like the fact that this building looks very simple on the outside, but it really is much more complex when you take a longer look and think about the process it took to get it too where it is now. The seemingly perfect straight and sturdy walls….that must have taken a while to make out of mud. The almost perfectly flat roof… That must have taken days to cut down, perfectly measure, and set up in a way that will be able to withstand wind and rain. I definitely of of the better examples of “Green Architecture” I have seen, as it does not look like it was completely built by hand. This building is not only a symbol of education as a school, it is a symbol of hard work and dedication to the local people of Bangladesh, as they are the ones who made this happen, with the guidance of Anna Heringer.

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