A Rough start

Just like most college students, I had to start my college career in an overpriced dorm, but specifically the one above, Couch Center. This building has influenced me a lot. This is where my parents dropped me off on Move-In Day, as I tried my hardest not to cry while I waved goodbye to everything I was ever comfortable with. It is where I spent a lot of time making microwavable meals and procrastinating assignments until the very last minute. This building not only represents the start of moving away from my small rural hometown and out of my comfort zone, but it represents my rough start on my own. Freshmen year was fun and full of blurry memories, but it was also a time that I felt really lost. I was only focused on school enough to make the grades that I wanted, but when I think of my freshmen year of college I think of the mistakes that I had made. I was living from weekend to weekend only caring about when the next outing was with my friends. I was in the midst of making decisions that, in the long run, I wish I wouldn’t have made. I lacked guidance and my faith during this time not knowing how to find myself without everything that used to define me at my side as it was in my hometown. This building represents a lot of learning for me, and the building of my testimony as a Christian. Although Couch Center harbors negative feelings, I am able to take the experience that it gave me and turn it into something that made me grow as a person and as a Christian.

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