A-Bomb dome

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In 2011 I was stationed in Japan and had the opportunity to visit the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Japan. Many people don’t get these opportunities so my wife, girlfriend at the time, decided to make a day out of it. We went to the Peace Memorial Museum for a few hours before goin to park. Being able to stand at a site where an Atomic Bomb was dropped and getting to see a building that survived the blast is something never forget. I think what I remember most after standing and looking at the Dome were the locals who camp out beside it with pictures of family members born with birth defects or even worse relatives who died from the dropping of the bomb. Although we heard a lot of sad stories and learned a lot we never knew we shocked to find out that Pearl Harbor , the attacks that ignited this American response, is not taught in schools or mentioned anywhere in that museum. The pictures I included are a couple I took that day it was cloudy and rainy which matched the mood the of the park kind of gloomy but very interesting.

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