My second building is the state capital building located in Austin, TX. This is probably one of my favorite buildings in the world. This building not only represents this state, but it also is packed with our deep incredible history. Directly in the center of the building is a beautiful rotunda that you can look up all the way to the top point. This rotunda is covered in portraits of past republic presidents and governors paying respect to the great leaders who helped build this state. This building means so much to me because when I first went to visit I gained an entirely new perspective into the history of our state and how Texas is so different from everywhere else. I remember being taken back by just how massive this building was, and this is when the tour guide reassured me everything is bigger in Texas. This building is full of some fond memories for me and will always be one of my favorite pieces of architecture on earth. I am excited ton one day take my kids there and teach them what I was taught by my father.

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