Tag Archives: University of Oklahoma

Fears Structural Engineering Laboratory

While this building is no visual spectacle, I have grown very fond of it during the past couple of years. Fears Lab is located just north of the research campus or just east of the Lloyd Noble Center on the University of Oklahoma’s Norman campus. While the inside does not look much better than the outside, I have learned more practical engineering knowledge between those four walls than anywhere else. A constant smell of concrete fills the air due to the constant concrete pouring and testing conducted in the lab. Later this year, the building is actually supposed to be receiving an extension to its existing high bay which will be absolutely incredible as right now it is very crowded. I plan to continue working in research at Fears Lab for the remainder of my college career. The projects I have been apart of at Fears Lab have instilled a love for research in me as research allows you to potentially be the first person to solve or discover something completely new and possibly groundbreaking. In addition to the surplus of practical knowledge I have gained within this building, many of my colleagues that work with me have become some of my closest friends. I think this building is a perfect representation of the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Couch tower

The towers have a big influence on life at the University of Oklahoma, specifically freshman on campus. For me, I will always remember Couch Tower in a positive way because of all the memories that are attached. The meaning of the building is to give students that have just moved out of their homes, a place that can feel like home. When I think of Couch Tower, I think of my roommate and suit-mates that made my freshman year everything and more. Although the architecture of the building and overall health weren’t positive, the good outweighs the bad and I will always see Couch Tower in a positive way because of the relationships and memories built.

Oklahoma memorial union

This building’s meaning is the be the center of life on campus. I think that is lives up to this expectation. It is a recreational facility for all types of people to come together to mingle or gather or enjoy a meal. I encountered this in a positive way almost everyday. I usually come in to grab a bite to eat during class or to get something to drink. It also is a great place to study or hang out with friends. It is one of my favorite places to gather on campus. I love the Oklahoma Memorial Union.

Image result for union building norman ok

Adams tower

Adams Tower is a central part of like on the University of Oklahoma campus. This building is a housing edition for incoming freshmen mostly with a Raisin Canes Chicken Fingers on the bottom floor. The meaning of the building is to house freshmen and it also follows the Gothic architectural style that the rest of the campus mostly supplies. When I encountered the building it was in a negative way. I had friends that lived in the building and the structure of the building is very outdated. All of the wings on the dorm are separated and each have their own individual elevator I find this very confusing and seems to discourage group settings.

Image result for adams tower in norman ok

Bizzell memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a building in the middle of the University of Oklahoma’s campus. This building is so fascinating to me because of its different aspects. On some of the floors the building seems somewhat dated but still very useful. However, on one of the floors it is a complete architectural change it is very modern with a coffee bar and lots of different areas to group up with other people. On the other hand, on the outside the building seems to me like a Gothic style of architecture. The different aspects of the building is what makes it the most fun to me. I think the meaning of the building was to be a large building for students, faculty, and the community to come and congregate and they have succeeded in that sense. It affects me in a positive way by allowing me to come and study in the nooks and rooms of this huge beautiful building.

University of Oklahoma July 2019 69 (Bizzell Memorial Library).jpg