Tag Archives: Time

Maya Lin: Eclipsed Time

Now covered in bird feces, work by Vietnam Memorial artist to be removed  from Penn Station - New York Daily News

Maya Lin’s Eclipsed Time used to be found in the heart of  Penn Station between the 2 and 3 express line subway exit; it has recently been removed. Maya Lin created this piece in attempt to have the people of Penn Station think about time as an organic phenomenon rather than something that is mathematical and man-made. She chose to use a representation of an eclipse to portray this as the silver disc travels across the ceiling throughout the day only ever eclipsing at midnight. I believe that this piece was pure in that it tried to draw people away from such a mechanical way of thinking and turn them towards something more harmonious with our lives. I believe that many people have become a slave to clocks and time and Maya Lin’s Eclipsed Time is a beautiful and wonderfully constructed piece of architecture that opposes the systemic use of time and promotes an organic alternative way of thinking about time.