Tag Archives: Mission Trip

Cinderblock Family Home

In 2013, I had the pleasure of going on a mission trip to Guatemala. In Guatemala, I along with a few others were tasked with constructing very small cinderblock homes for a few different homeless families. If the idea of hope could come in the form or a building, this would be it. These homes we constructed for families ranging from 4-6 people and were about 12ft by 10ft or about the size of a small college dormitory room. They had no bathroom, no water, and no lights. Yet, these families were so joyful that they now had a roof over their heads albeit a small one. This experience made me truly understand how many things that people living in the United States take for granted when we should be thankful for everything we have. I will always remember the joyful and hopeful gazes of the families as they looked upon their new homes that I had helped construct.