Tag Archives: London McKee

Green Ladder

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

This structure was originally build in Vietnam but was transport to Sydney, Australia. This was another VTN project that is just eye catching with tons of greenery. To be more specific it is build all out of bamboo. In fact they build a lot of projects out of bamboo such, as cafe’s, resorts, and others. This project was developed to be put on display for people to see. They want people to see these structures right in the heart of a city. Why? Because they want to emphasized nature. They want us and people to understand that we have to preserve nature and in order to get the point across people have to actually see it. I think this project is my favorite because it is just so impressive and cool to look at. Also I like the bamboo use and they use it as a symbol of preservation.

chicland hotel

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

I chose this picture for a reason. You can clearly tell which hotel is the Chicland, especially if you know ATN Architects were the ones to build it. I continue to love their work it is so intriguing. I definitely feel as if this building gets the most attentions compared to the ones around it. This hotel has 129 with 21 stories and it was finished in June of 2019. I would definitely prefer to stay at this hotel in Da Nang, Vietnam if I had to choose one. It just catches the eye more and me knowing the background of the country it was built right and efficiently.

Nanoco Head office

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

This office space is also located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This building as you can see has its trade mark greenery from the VTN Architects team. It is a ten story building with tons of showrooms and community rooms. It is currently under construction and is almost completely finished. When I first saw this building it immediately grabbed my attention. If I were downtown here I would naturally gravitate towards this building because it literally has trees growing out of it. VTA did it again with another jaw dropping sculpture with their efforts to give back efficiency.

Urban Farming Offices

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

This building is located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The idea behind these office spaces are to promote food production and bringing back greenery to the city. Vietnam is highly polluted and VTN Architects are fighting hard to do everything they can to help fight against pollution. When I first saw this building I was like wow these people must love plants. But then I soon realized this is for a purpose, so I did some digging. VTN Architects are all about nature and there main goal is to contribute greens in almost all of there projects. So I feel and know they are a great organization, who is fighting to save the world with safe and beautiful buildings.

Riverwind Casino

London McKee

This building has a hundred percent negative on me. I don’t think I have ever won a single time in this place. Yes, it may be beautiful on the outside, but what’s on the inside is hideous. I am a pretty average gamble, but it is something I enjoy doing on the weekends. However, I do not plan on spending any weekends here anytime soon. This building has influenced me to be smarter with my money, so I guess that could be used as a positive. But for the majority I have negative feelings for this place, and don’t plan on encountering with it anytime soon.

At&t Stadium

London McKee

This is the home of the Dallas Cowboys, however this building makes me think of a different team when I think of it. That team is Oklahoma Sooners. It was on December 2nd, 2017. It was the day of the big twelve championship. We were playing the Texas Christian University. We when on to win that game and advance to the semi finals, where we played Georgia. That game was not positive, but the win over the horny toads was. That building will always make me think of that experience I got to go to. I am also a huge Dallas Cowboys fan so of course I love this stadium anyway, but since I have yet been to a Cowboys game, for now I will always think of the Sooners when I see this place.

Chisholm High school

London McKee

This is my high school in Enid, Oklahoma. We were a smaller school, 2A to be exact. This is our gym and this place is a positive place for me. The reason it is positive for me because of my last encounter with it. That day was my graduation. I loved my school and our graduation is a very traditional ceremony that I always dreamed about and when that day finally came in that gym is a day that I will never forget. It was probably the biggest milestone in my life at that point and that building made it truly special. I have yet to be back inside this building since that day, and I am sure when I return one of these days I will be filled with many feelings and memories.

My First House

London McKee

The meaning of this place means everything to me. It was my childhood home, so many memories come flooding back to me when I think about it. This house has such a positive affect on me because, it is the place that I was raised in, so its super special. My first encounter of the house was when I was in the 4th grade. We went to go look at the house and I immediately hated it, it was super old and smelled like a grandma lived there for years. I was not looking forward into moving here, but now looking back at it that was my home and I miss it so much and wish we didn’t have to move away from it.