Tag Archives: Israel

The Knesset

The Knesset, Israeli Parliament building, located in the historic city of Jerusalem.

During my high school experience I had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the American Israel Friendship League in which 88 American students across the US were chosen to be exchange students in Israel. While in Israel I was able to see some amazing architectural example including the one pictured being the Israeli Parliament building known as the Knesset. Located in Jerusalem, the Knesset was at the top of a hill overlooking the city that the building serves. Walking inside of this structure and seeing the halls that have seen many historic events and survived constant conflicts for years was truly fascinating. From the committee rooms to the floor of the parliament the building was very fortress like and commanded respect from everyone who entered it. It was a great experience getting to see how another country handles their governmental bodies and how important it was to them have such a castle like location and interior design.