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Mi Tierra, San Antonio, TX

Mi Tierra is a restaurant in San Antonio that I went to in November 2018. It was my first time being in San Antonio.
The inside of the building was what really left an impression on me. The decorations were so shiny and plentiful, it played into the bustling scene very well.

I grew up in a small town right outside of a college city in South Carolina. During my time at OU, so many things have really felt like home. During my trip to San Antonio, on the other hand, I experienced a bit of a culture shock. I remember this building in particular sticking out to me. When I saw it from the outside, it looked nice. But when I walked inside, the interior design is what made me say “wow.” There was a huge lobby area that made me feel like I was about to party rather than dine. Colorful, arched walls separated the huge lobby from the dining areas. This was unlike any restaurant that I’d been too in South Carolina. I really enjoyed the festive atmosphere, and getting to experience the different culture of San Antonio through food and architecture.

Walker tower

Ahhh, the freshman dorms……
This is one building that I both love and hate. Although the building and its surroundings may look magnificent from the outside in this particular picture, when I see it, I cannot help but think of the cubicle sized room that had to be shared with my 6 foot tall self and my 6 foot tall roommate. Whoever designed those must have known the disservice that they would be doing to generation after generation of college students. Nevertheless, being in such a tight space did allow me to become very close with many people whom I still see and talk to everyday, years later, and I’m grateful for that.

I also wanted to include the low quality night time picture with the one room in the center that is glowing purple. This was my room, and those were color-changing strobe lights. I considered them to be my signature mark on the outside of the building, even though they were only visible at night. It was my contribution to the architecture, if you will.

Staudthaus Ulm

The Ulm Staudthaus Exhibition and Assembly building is an event venue located in the center of the German city of Ulm. Designed by Richard Meier, the building itself rests in front of the classical gothic-style Minister of Ulm, and provides the city skyline with a stark juxtaposition of distinct architectural styles separated only by time. The venue is the center point of an effort by the local government to redevelop the city center.

The Staudthaus contains an open staircase that connects all four levels with the goal of providing panoramic views of the city and of the interior of the venue. The geometry of the main building is based on a nine-square structural bay system that is augmented by concentric peripheral walls adorned with alternating axes and lines. Furthermore, the construction of the building contains reinforced concrete and blockwork, ensuring that the venue holds a structural integrity.

I found this building’s location to be extremely odd, as it is situated right in front of a classical cathedral. However, I still find the building to be very architecturally appealing.

New Harmony’s Atheneum

Located in New Harmony, Indiana, New Harmony’s Atheneum serves as the visitor’s center the city and was designed by Richard Meier. The building is named after the Greek Athenaion, a temple dedicated to Athena. The structure was funded in 1976 by the Indianapolis Lilly Endowment, and opened to the public in 1979. The building itself is actually quite famous, and boasts many awards including the Progressive Architecture Award, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honor Award, and the AIA’s Twenty-Five Year Award.

This building is intended to serve as a center for visitor and cultural orientation. On the third floor exhibition space, visitors can gaze back and reflect on the route full of jagged windows and orthogonal grids. Finally, on the roof terrace, visitors are awarded with a panoramic view of the town of New Harmony.

I found the design of this building to be captivating, as it really allows visitors to immerse themselves with the unique cultural features of New Harmony, Indiana.

Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world at 2,722 ft. It is one of the most impressive buildings ever, in my opinion. Both in terms of height and appearance. Its presence is so commanding and attractive at the same time. The whole city of Dubai seems to compliment its figure. I have never been to Dubai to witness it in person but I definitely want to one day. The glass structure is so elegant and artful, yet so simple. The simple modern style is at its peak with this building and is truly a piece of art.

Norman public library

The Norman Public library is a beautiful building, inside and out. I remember when I first saw the building, I turned the car around and drove by it again because I was so impressed by it. I love the simple modern design this building has. I appreciate how it is only glass and metal but yet looks so elegant and sleek. Shortly after I first saw it, a close friend of mine brought up how great the new library looks and we went and looked at it again and went inside. I was very impressed and wished that the library in my home town looked as good as this one does. Whenever I am driving through Norman I often take a detour just to appreciate it.

Meier on Rothschild

Located on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv, Israel, Meier on Rothschild is a luxury residential skyscraper designed by architect Robert Meier. The building scales 520 feet tall and is interesting the second tallest residential building in Israel. The tower contains a six-story parking lot in the base, and boasts 42 floors. Moreover, the building is nestled in a neighborhood filled with Bauhaus buildings, which date back to the 1930s. Consequently, the design language of the tower is inspired by Bauhaus principles based on simplicity and functionality.

The top 3 stories of the tower comprise the luxury penthouse apartment. In 2011, the penthouse apartment reportedly sold to a Jewish Ukrainian individual for a whopping 200 million shekels, which equates to almost $60 million!

I personally find this building to be beautiful. I appreciate the uniformity of the architecture as the tower boasts its sharp edges on the Israeli skyline.

Panda Express on 3281 CLASSEn BOULEVARD

This may seem like an odd building to appreciate but this specific panda has had a large impact on me. This Panda Express has been the center of so many memories and great meals. I have many meetings here with people which have all made significant impacts on my life. I remember two years ago when I learned that a Panda was being built so close to where I lived, I was ecstatic. When it was finished I was so happy! Not only because Panda is my favorite restaurant but also because of how much I loved the design of the building. I am very much interested and intrigued by modern designs and the simple geometry of the buildings.

1110 N Judd Pl

This was the house I grew up in for the first 10 years of my life. This holds a special place in my heart because this was the first place I ever lived and spent all of my elementary school years here. We had a nice backyard with a pool, which was necessary because this was in Phoenix. I can still remember that the layout of the house allowed me to hear when my dad was stirring the chocolate milk he would make me every morning and that’s how I knew when to get up. There are so many positive memories in this house that I know I will always cherish for my entire life.

OU Bizzell Library

This building was a major deciding factor when I was deciding where to go to college. I grew up on the west coast in Arizona and then California, so Oklahoma was definitely a far away state for me. Both my parents went to OU and I had family that I would visit in Oklahoma every summer so it wasn’t completely new. However, when I was touring colleges to apply to, I was stuck between the University of Arizona and here. When I toured, I remember the first thing I saw that caught my eye was the library and it just made everything feel like a college campus that was built around this one building. Something about it made the OU campus feel like home and I knew this was where I wanted to spend the next four years of college at.