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MIRA Tower in San francisco, ca

My family is originally from California so we go back there every year to see family. We always go to San Francisco when we’re there, I grew up going to SF at least a couple times a month since it wasn’t very far from our house. This summer we didn’t get to go do much because of COVID but we still went to SF because it’s a tradition. When we were there I was so excited to see this building finally completed. Construction began in 2017 and they finished in July, 2020. This is such a unique building and I absolutely love it! I have never seen a “twisted” building before. Because of its twisting design, every resident has a 180 degree view from their unit. As a bonus, the architect also designed this building with the environment in mind! MIRA tower includes a green roof and a greywater harvesting system which cleans water from the building that does not include waste, such as water from your sink, washer or shower then recycles it back to be used again. The architects who designed the MIRA are the Studio Gang.

Leadership Square in downtown OKC

Leadership Square in Downtown OKC may not seem like the most beautiful or best-looking building in the world. However, I grew up going here with my dad at least once a week. He worked in the building and brought me there a ton. It brings back awesome memories of my dad and me. We would always have amazing days and spend quality time together whether I was sitting on his couch listening to his work or us getting lunch downstairs. Whenever I see the building it always makes me feel happy.

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

I am from South Carolina, a small state with small airports, so any time I want to fly anywhere, even domestically, I always go through ATL. I’ve been here 10+ times. It is the busiest, largest airport in the world. Where do I even begin with this thing?

Well, first off, it’s huge. If I only saw it from the ground rather than flying in from above it, I’d never be able to truly grasp the size of this complex. When I see it from above, it looks amazing. Especially when the runways are lit up at night. There must be so many things to be considered when designing an airport of this scale in order to keep the planes constantly taking off and landing on schedule. I couldn’t imagine taking on the daunting task of designing this airport.

Inside, the airport is not so much amazing as it is chaotic. For how big it seems on the outside, all of that space is occupied on the inside and you find yourself weaving your way through people traffic when making the long journey to your connecting flight. This can give me a bit of a more stressful vibe compared to the great view of the building that I get from above.

There are several concourses, and each concourse can line up 20 planes on each side. I think this picture does a decent job of showing how massive this complex is.

Onna Glass Studio

During a trip to Okinawa, Japan in 2014, I visited a glass studio in Onna. I loved the quaint look of the exterior of the building. I liked the off-pink and the messy display of plants by the door. Inside of the building, a hall of mirrors made me feel like I was in a maze designed by someone tripping on acid. It was bright, vibrant, and stimulating as I turned every corner. I really enjoyed walking through the studio and seeing all of the perfectly sculpted glass, whether they were decorative sculptures or components of the building itself such as the floor and the walls. I would love to go back and experience it again. It was the most memorable building of the trip.

Onna glass studio may look slightly faded and unimpressive from the outside, but the inside tells a completely different story.
Inside, there was a mirror maze lit up with lights that made it look as if it went on forever
At one spot in the building, you could look down and see tiger sculptures beneath the glass that you’re standing on.

Devon Energy Hall

Devon is the building that made an impact on me when I originally visited the campus. Last week I discussed the REPF which I knew would become a second home, but the size of Devon impressed me. It is the statement of where I could expect the engineering college to go towards in the future.

Red brick along the steel beams accents the windows and makes the building seem tall and even stronger than Sarkeys across the street with a broader base and open foyer entrance. The terrace on the top floor has a grand view of the stadium and feels like you’re governing over the quad especially with a sweet breeze.

Some of my more important coursework was learned in Devon and Its been a testament to higher learning. The greenspace used to be larger, but a newer building have been added, and it speak towards the future.


This is the building where I took all my Italian classes for OU and the appearance of the building was nothing special for me except for the front mostly due to the height but other than that it looked small. I really liked going into this building because I was able to connect with a lot of my classmates and my professor in my Italian class due to it being a small class size. Italian events would also be held in this building as well and some day I would go to hangout and play games with the people who showed up while also learning more about Italian. I am going to miss the fun times I had with my classmates and professor in that building and I highly recommend other students to take Italian or other language classes.

4217 West Greeley St

This house has been my home for almost about 20 years and it has had a huge positive impact on my life. I loved that it was a two story building because of how much space there was above and when entering the front door the lights of the chandelier would look so pretty especially with the lights on. In my backyard is where we grow plants and vegetables to cook for dinner and there is also a basketball hoop where me and my brother would play one on one. My favorite part about this house would probably be the game room mostly because I loved playing video games and there was also a table there where I would do my homework and play games afterwards. Every time that I would come back from school I would always be in a good mood because there is nothing that could replace this as my home and all the memories I have of it.


I have been living here for all my three years at OU and this building has given me mixed feelings. What I liked about this place is how tall and spacious the building looked from the exterior and inside I really enjoyed the amenities like the gym and swimming pool. What I really liked disliked about this building is how narrow and compact the garage parking is. Every time I make a turn I always slow down because there is a wall that blocks me from seeing the other side and there are also reckless drivers who move fast without knowing i’m on the other side. Another thing I disliked is my balcony mainly because it feels slanted down and I live on the 4th floor and it feels like it’s going to fall off so I rarely hangout there. As I finished off senior year I will most likely miss my roommates that I have for the past years and hopefully the next place I live at won’t have these problems.


The Biz has played an important role in my academics here at OU and outside of class I’m pretty sure I have spent the same time or more at the Biz than my apartment. Last fall, I remember having consecutive classes that would be an hour apart so I would just go to the biz and work on homework to pass the time. This semester I have not been there a lot due to having more online classes but I will always remember the good times of working in groups and a spot to hangout with friends.

Baltimore Ravens Stadium

Ironically, I was a Steelers fan growing up but my grandparents were Ravens fans. They had season tickets and would take us to all the home games. I was very young when they first took us and I was amazed and in awe by how big the stadium was. The huge concrete pillars seemed to be never ending and inside the stadium felt like a maze. I had no idea how anyone knew where to go. Once in our seats, I was blown away by how many people could fit into one place. As I grew older, those things I was once blown away by became normal, but the feelings I got stayed the same. Every time I see the stadium, I think of the smell of peanuts, beer, concession food, and the noise of the crowd cheering and booing. But the biggest feeling I get is how fun I had with my grandparents and the memories I had with them. One of my favorite memories was in 2008, it was a preseason night game against the Vikings and the Summer Olympics were going on. Michael Phelps was shooting for his 8th gold medal to make history and after the football game, over 10,000 fans stayed in the stadium to watch him swim on the big screens. Phelps is from Baltimore MD so there is a special connection there. I still remember the screams of joy when Phelps won the race and made history with his 8th gold medal. They even showed him the video of everyone in the stadium cheering for him after the race was over. Unfortunately, my grandparents sold their season tickets years ago, but every time I see the stadium I still get those same feelings.