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Will Rogers Memorial Building

The Will Rogers Memorial Building is located in Fort Worth, Texas, just about 30 minutes from my childhood home. I had many encounters with this building throughout my childhood because many of my dance competitions were located here. I know this building like the back of my hand. From the back entrances where I would sneak in and out to get some fresh air, to the crowded dressing rooms tucked under the stage, to the front lobby where I would run to hug my family after every performance. I have many fond memories of dancing on that big stage alongside my best friends and winning awards. I also have some less-fond memories of injuries, messing up on stage, and fatigue. I did a lot of growing up in that building, and it always feels so nostalgic to go back.

Sala São Paulo

Sala São Paulo is a concert hall located in the former Julio Prestes train station, right in the center of São Paulo. The first time I visited this concert hall was back in 2015, on a school field trip. The architectural style of this building is commonly seen in other historical buildings in this region of the city, but when I first encountered this specific one, I was blown away. Its size as well as some of its architectural features (the arcs, columns, and ornaments, for instance) really transmit the historical importance of this building. Inside, not only the building’s architecture is impressive but also what was accomplished as a result of that architecture. That’s because its ceiling is adjustable, allowing the volume of the hall to vary. This ensures that the intensity of any composition has its acoustic concept respected. The experience of watching the Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo in this building is something will always remember.

The First National Center

The First National Center has been apart of OKC’s skyline since its construction in 1931. It was originally the ‘First National Bank’ until the bank went under and the building was renamed ‘The First National Center’ or building. It has a similar exterior to the Empire State Building. I affectionately call it “the big shot” because of its long aviation tower on the top of the building. The bottom floor of the building houses the old teller stations from the original bank, which has recently been considered as an historical place. 

I have a strong personal connection to this building because my dad’s office was located on the 8th floor for the majority of my life. I loved spending time in my dad’s office. He tells me that even at a young age I would pretend I was a working lady and march around the office gathering papers from his co-workers. I remember the smell the building had, it was a mixture of antiques and coffee. The First National Center is now being renovated and converted into a hotel. I am devastated by this fact because this building houses so many great memories and experiences from my childhood. My childhood dream was to grow up and have my very own office in the First National. However, I am excited to see this building thrive with its new purpose.

Alvar Aalto #1

Alvar Aalto was known as a Finnish architect and designer who developed his own style. Aalto’s style also consisted He designed furniture, glassware, textiles, sculptures, architecture, and painted. One of his famous works is called the Säynätsalo Town Hall. This building is located in the center of a small town in Finland. It was designed by Aalto in 1949 and includes elements of classicism, modernity, and intimacy. The Town Hall was built for local government offices, staff apartments, and retail space. Most of the building is made out of stone and brick with a wooden staircase and a courtyard in the middle.

Säynätsalo Town Hall - Wikipedia

U.S. Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building on Capitol Hill, in Washington D.C., is one of the most iconic buildings in America. This building is literally on a hill, hints the name. When I first visited, I was shocked to learn that it has its own subway located inside. What is most interesting, is that Thomas Jefferson held a competition to choose an architect to design this building. Something special about this building is that one of my best friends works there and has taken me on a in-depth tour that most of the public can’t do.

United States Capitol - Wikipedia

Radio city music hall

Radio City Music Hall in New York City, specifically Rockefeller Center, is one of New York’s most famous attractions. I first visit during Christmas of 2017, during which the photo below was taken. Why I like the building so much is because it was build at the peak of the Great Depression in the 30’s for people to enjoy shows and events. Going to a show is a great experience because of how intimate and small the theatre is. My mom and I saw the famous “Christmas Spectacular” that has been performed since 1933.

St. patrick’s cathedral

St. Patrick’s Cathedral, located in New York City, was one of the most beautiful churches I had ever been to. It was my first time in New York City and at the top of my list to go visit. The style is neo-gothic and has some the most gorgeous stained glass. What I found most memorable about this church is all of the marble included. It has stood in New York since 1878 and still remains active for church services.

Eisenhower executive office building

This is the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C. I first saw the building when I went and visited on a vacation in 2014. The photo above is a photo I took in the fall of 2019 when I visited again. This building is memorable because my eyes immediately drew to how beautiful this building is. Not only that, but it is a French style building built in 1871 and finished in 1888. It is one of the most noticeable buildings on the street. The architecture, structure, and coloring of the building is something one cannot forget.

Deok Su Gung Palace

Deok Su Gung palace is one of the famous palaces in Seoul, Korea. It was built before Japan took over Korea but was immensely destroyed during the colonial period so now only one third of the palace remains. The palace is located in the middle of Seoul’s busiest downtown intersection. The moment you enter the palace, the sound of nature will surround your ears. It felt very nice to be separated from the busy hustling sound of the city. Deok Su Gung palace was the very first palace that infused both western and Korean style architectures. It looked quite odd to see a western architecture right next to the traditional Korean architecture. There were so many gardens around the palace so it was very peaceful and calm. The palace was surrounded by a long, elegant wall. Even the wall itself looked beautiful because it had a unique, Korean traditional design. Although the palace itself was stunning, I felt a little sad as I was looking around because the palace was temporarily used for royal families since they were forced to leave the main palace during the colonial era. Even this palace had to get mostly destroyed in the end. But I’m glad that I was still able to encounter one of the remaining of Korea’s historical palace.

Felgar Hall

This building has small pyramids at the front door which made it seem grand and the most important in the quad. It was the first engineering building and houses the directors office for my major, mechanical engineering. I was impressed with how well it has aged. The modern gothic style with engineers crest above the doors makes it timeless. Felgar Hall tips it’s hat to the engineers that work inside, with the little accents at the entrances.

This entrance shown became very important to me since I would enter it when going from the shop to the office on race team business. There were many good times from walking over to attend admin meetings to receiving an email that we received a package. I feel purpose when entering that I’m going to accomplish my goal which makes this building on campus stand alone.