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Perot Museum of Nature and Science

The Perot Museum is one of my favorite architectures in Dallas. I have been here a few time for field trips but also for fun. The outside of the building has a very unique modern architecture. The glass piece on the side of the building is actually an elevator. Inside the building is has very modern and large areas with large windows but also has rooms that are darker all depending on what part of the museum you are in based on the different historical parts of nature and science within it.

Empire State Building

We all know about the iconic Empire State Building. The building is truly a household name. However, I never realized how massive this building really is until last summer when me and two friends took a day trip to New York City. We had been walking around the city all day and I was exhausted, and then we finally made it to the foot of the Empire State Building. It was so tall that I could not even see the building in its entirety from the bottom. I was breaking my neck trying to see the very top. Unfortunately, we were not able to go to the top of the building because frankly, it was too expensive. But despite not being able to make it to the top, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this building.

The Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is the worlds largest museum and a famous landmark in Paris, France. I visited this museum in summer of 2017 and the architecture along with the artifacts inside were very fascinating. The large class triangle is the beautiful entrance of this museum. After entering you take an escalator underground, down a floor to the actual museum. From there the museum is filled with many different rooms and hallways that are filled with thousands of historical artifacts.

Reunion Tower

Reunion Tower is a landmark of the Dallas, Texas, skyline. The city will return to the spotlight with teh return of “Dallas” on TNT. (Helen Anders/Austin American-Statesman/MCT) 07042012xMETRO 07082012xMETRO 08102012xGUIDE

Reunion Tower or otherwise known as ‘the ball’ is a famous landmark building of downtown Dallas, Texas. I grew up 10 minutes away from this building and have been to the top of it many times for different occasions and the view is breath taking each time. This observation tower allows you to see a 360 view of Dallas and there isn’t anything else like it. The exterior of this building is surrounded by lights that change depending on the day and the events happening in Dallas. The view from the top of this building is unlike any other you can get in downtown Dallas.

Sistine Chapel- Vatican City

In Summer for 2017 I visited Vatican City. During my tour of Vatican City I got to go into the Sistine Chapel. This Chapel is a place of worship and when you entered it you could not speak or use your phone whatsoever. The beautiful paintings that covered the walls were breath taking and when I went I stayed in there for a long period of time to take it all in. The art on the walls were depictions of the life of Christ, Moses and different popes and were painted by six different artist during the Florentine Renaissance. Pictures of the walls within this chapel don’t do it justice because each painting tells a different story coming together to tell the story of Christ.

1000 Hills ranch Church

If you are thinking the picture above looks like a livestock arena, you’d be correct! The picture above is of my church back home, 1000 Hills Ranch Church. The church is housed in a livestock auction arena, where horses and cattle can be brought in to aid in the preacher’s message. Typically, our preacher will be on his horse as he preaches the message on Sunday morning. When my church first originated, there was no building for it to be housed so, the preacher decided to have it in a livestock arena to exemplify the idea that 1000 hills is a come as you are church. Meaning you don’t have to have on your Sunday best to attend a service. Even though the church was founded around 10 years ago, we still hold Sunday services in the livestock arena while our actual church building is under construction. This building is very important to me. This was the building where my faith with God grew closer than ever. Before attending this church, we had not found a place of worship to call home, but 1000 hills church is so down to Earth and comfortable that my family and I fit right in and loved it. Needless to say, I found God in a livestock auction arena. 

Josie Adams cultural center

Above is a picture of the Josie Adams Cultural Center in Woodward Oklahoma. This theater is located 10 miles from my hometown and is a popular place to go to experience the community theater perform, watch movies, and view multiple dance recitals. I have multiple memories of going to theatrical performances with my mom when I was younger. This was also the location where I would perform in dance recitals. This theater has a very rich history, as it is nearing its 100th birthday within the decade. The Josie Adams theater was originally built in the 1920s and was more recently restored in the 1980s. My favorite part of this theater is the two balconies on either side of the stage. I have always wanted to go up into one of these balconies and recite a scene from the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. Another memory that I have in this building is going to watch movies during a break from marching in the summer. It was always so cool and calm inside especially after being out in the heat all day practicing a marching routine. 

OU Medical Center

Above is a picture of the OU medical center located in Oklahoma City. This building has made a positive impact on me and my family. The OU medical center has helped both my siblings and me through scary health situations, as well as inspire me to peruse a career in the medical field. 15 years ago, my older brother was in a bad car accident and was quickly transported to the OU medical center in Oklahoma City. Though this was a scary time for my family, the OU medical staff took great care of my brother and gave constant support and hope to my family. Today, my brother is happily married and has a family of his own. I am so thankful to the doctors and nurses at the OU medical center for their love and support that they give to their patients and families. Through this experience, the OU medical center has inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. I am currently a senior and will be graduating this upcoming spring, therefore, I have been applying too many different medical schools around the country in hopes of becoming a doctor so I can give back and help families just like the OU medical center did for mine. 

Avlar Aalor #3

Alvar Aalto designed the Riola Parish Church in Grizzana Morandi, Italy. It was complete in 1978 and is located in a small town called Riola This building is a concrete form that highlights aspects of Italian landscape. This church has a structure that represents a place of faith and peace. There is light let in on the ceilings through vertical, asymmetrical ribs. The outside of the church is inspired by the three mountains that surround the city called Riola. The style of the inside of the church is modern with wooden pews.

AD Classics: Riola Parish Church / Alvar Aalto | ArchDaily

The Reunion Tower

This is the well known Reunion Tower located in Dallas, Texas. The first time I encountered this tower, close-up, was for my ninth birthday. My parents treated me to a birthday party on the top floor. Since then I drive past this tower an am fascinated by the architecture of it. There are no other buildings like it in America and it is so well done. It has always reminded me of a magic wand growing up. It is the most unique aspect of the Dallas skyline and it is sure a privilege to be able to look at it and look out of it.