Category Archives: Uncategorized


Report: Kolumba in Cologne – A Museum for Art - DETAIL inspiration

I really liked this piece because it resembles a castle-style structure. I enjoyed the retro, gothic model around the base. This structure is located in Cologne, Germany. It is an art museum and one of the oldest in this city. Which makes it so historic and eloquent to observe and really cherish.

Cockle Bay Park

Cockle Bay Park by Henning Larsen will be a beautiful piece of the built environment. It is designed to be a human scale destination and an urban icon for the Sydney, Australia skyline and is roughly 73,000 square meters. It is yet to be completed but is expected to be finished by 2026.

Herman Hertzberger

Herman Hertzberger

I think the chase concert hall designed by Herman hertzberger int he Netherlands. I love the structure of the exterior roof, it reminds me of waves. The indoor red interior is very regal. Fit for a famous opera singer or large orchestra to perform. The spiraling staircase inside adds some dimension and excitement to the space. I image the staircase brings the sound throughout the space. I hope to visit this place one day.

The Finance Centre Tower

By: Blayne Nichols

The Finance Centre Tower, designed by Gensler and Associates, is located in Manila, Philippines. It is 44 stories tall and is 1.3 million square feet. There is all kinds of programs within the building, from retail stores to penthouse offices. The two main focuses during the design was economic expansion and sustainability. They expected to rent the office spaces to local industries and firms to aid the expansion. The outer walls are made out of aluminum and glass and the orientation of the building is optimized for efficiency. The building also harvests rainwater and graywater. The building is impressive and almost blends in with the sky.

Taos Earthships


This room is a part of the core building in the Sustainable Development Testing Site located in Taos, New Mexico. This building is the center of a community of Earthships created by Michael Reynolds which are all available for renting. The grand ceilings, large windows, curvy walls, and bottle design make this cathedral like room so intriguing. The design is just so much different than any other design out there and it is incredible how environmentally friendly these structures are. Michael Reynolds’ work is remarkable and I hope his name continues to grow and people continue to hear about what amazing things he is doing.

Frank lloyd wright: Taliesin west

Taliesen West was Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter home and school. This building was erected in 1937 in Arizona. Wright would migrate west every winter from Wisconsin to Arizona. The structure’s rocks and wood is made from local sources and is referred to as “desert masonry.” The house blends in beautifully with nature and seems to be apart of the landscape, with its long, flat appendages. The structure has a lot of natural light and water flowing throughout the building. Today, the building is the headquarters of the Frank Lloyd Wright foundation.


Key projects by Herman Hertzberger | Dezeen

I found this building by Hertzberger to be negative. Whenever I picture a positive building, I think of lots of natural sunlight coming into the building and lots of windows. This building has the opposite with small windows and not many of them. I do enjoy seeing that the building has different levels, just like lots of other of his work.

Feldkapelle Mechernich

Bruder Klaus Field Chapel / Peter Zumthor | ArchDaily

This is an architecture built by Peter Zumthor. The architecture is located in Mechernich, Germany. It is a tiny chapel with a cool looking design in a field that is open to open tours are worship if you are interested. I really liked this design because it is very unique and utilizes many different shapes.

anna heringer’s Meti School

Anna Heringer is a famous female architect based in Laufen Germany. Opened in 2005, the METI School is one of her most popular works of architecture, as it was built entirely out of materials coming from the ground. Located in Bangladesh, Heringer implemented low cost building techniques that included using mud and bamboo shoots to form the walls and roof, and assistance from the locals to help build it. The METI School is known as the “Handmade” school because it was literally built by the hands of the people who send their children there to learn. Allowing the locals to help build this school taught them valuable skills on how to build and plan, which 100% enhanced their daily lives. I really like the fact that this building looks very simple on the outside, but it really is much more complex when you take a longer look and think about the process it took to get it too where it is now. The seemingly perfect straight and sturdy walls….that must have taken a while to make out of mud. The almost perfectly flat roof… That must have taken days to cut down, perfectly measure, and set up in a way that will be able to withstand wind and rain. I definitely of of the better examples of “Green Architecture” I have seen, as it does not look like it was completely built by hand. This building is not only a symbol of education as a school, it is a symbol of hard work and dedication to the local people of Bangladesh, as they are the ones who made this happen, with the guidance of Anna Heringer.