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Taliesen West

Taliesen West: Scottsdale, Arizona

Taliesen West is the former home of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Located in the desert hills of Scottsdale, Arizona, The home is build into the hillside to blend into the surrounding countryside. When my family was driving across the country we stopped here and it was one of the most unique places I have ever seen. While I can’t say I enjoyed the architecture style, it was stylish and functional. I also thought it was cool that there is an architecture school located on the location for students to learn about the man who built the building they are working in. I don’t know a lot about the building itself but the fact I got to tour a place that was created by one of the most famous modern architects was an honor and a great story to tell.

The House on Manor HILl

This is the Williams’ household, this piece of architecture probably means more to me than any other place in the world. My home is located right here in Norman Oklahoma. We moved here when I was seven years old. Although I was so young, I remember the entire process so clearly. My father is both the architect and interior designer of our home. It took about three years to complete our home and to move in. The style of our home is French Contemporary. This building has influenced my life In a positive way because when I think of my home I think of all of the amazing memories made here with friends and family. I think of all the pets that have lived with us over the years.  I think of all the holidays spent here. I always enjoy giving guests tours of our house and talking about the entire process. 

The 9/11 Memorial

For Christmas one year our gift from my parents was a trip to New York City. During our trip my parents took us to the 9/11 memorial and see where the towers stood. Even though I was too young to remember the actual attack, it was mind-blowing to learn about everything that people saw and had to endure during that horrific attack. I will never forget seeing the rosses that people had put into the memorial where their loved ones name was engraved. It was also incredible to see the amount of love and support for each other all around the memorial.

Castillo San Felipe del Morro

The Castillo San Felipe Del Morro is located in Puerto Rico it was built between 16 and 18 century the reason I like this fort is because it is very historical and when I went inside the fort it made me feel like I was living in 16 century. one of the reasons that I will always remember visiting this fort I had to do a really long walk. also it had one of the best architecture.

Fort Jackson Fox 2-13

On January 2nd, 2019, I was shipped off to basic training in South Carolina. This was a whole new experience for me and my family seeing as I was the first member in my family to join the Army. I knew it would be tough but I could handle it. I was a long way from home, had no contact with my family except through letters, and had 3 months to go. I was assigned to Foxtrot Company in the 2 battalion 13 regiment, hence Fox2-13. My drill sergeants were crazy but I truly would not have asked for any other ones. They taught me so much and helped me discover a part of myself that I never knew existed. Completing basic training is the biggest success of my life. I was able to prove to everyone who always thought I was spoiled and that I never had to work for anything wrong, I was able to prove to myself that I could do anything I wanted to. I got to meet some of my best friends there. This building will be one I remember for the rest of my life.

Oklahoma City skydance

This post is basically a follow up of my last post. After starting my photography business in high school and doing many photo shoots, including senior pictures, prom pictures and even a wedding, I slowly faded away from photography to a point where I basically stopped taking pictures. Then I started my freshman year, and basically sat in my room and did nothing. The one thing I did was travel to Oklahoma City and explore in my free time with my friend Parker. This is where I slowly got my passion back to take pictures, and Parker showed my a ton of nice places. One of these nice places would be the Skydance Bridge in Oklahoma City. In fact, the picture shown above was taken by me. This has a lot of significance because it was a time where I gained my confidence back in photography with pictures so simple, but to me so beautiful.

Walker tower

When I first came to OU from California, I was a scared kid who didn’t know a single soul, and once I got to Walker Tower for the first time, I instantly thought “this doesn’t make me feel any better.” My nine months living in Walker Tower was arguably the most exhausting experience of my life. Within the first five minutes of me being in my dorm room, the toilet paper holder broke off. On top of this, there was mold in our shower and our hall smelled like mold the entire time. The fact that this building still stands for more freshman to live in should be a crime against humanity. I was just lucky to have a safe haven in my fraternity house to go back to.

The Louvre

When I was younger I had the most amazing opportunity to travel. I was able to travel through most parts of Europe but one of the most influential things I saw was the Louvre where I took this picture. The Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world. … In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Louvre served as the royal palace for French kings. It became an art museum when the French king Louis XVI moved his residence to Versailles. During the French Revolution, the Louvre became a public museum. When I encountered this museum, I was immediately starstruck. It was incredible to be able to see all of the amazing artwork done by people who you sometimes never hear about or if you have heard about them it’s only in history books. I thought that it was an experience unlike any other. Not only is the artwork inside of the building, but the architecture of the building is also an art in itself. Luckily I was able to go pre-covid so the masks and limited capacity weren’t a thing. Seeing all the people line up to look at the Mona Lisa and seeing how her eyes actually do follow you is a memory forever burned in my head. The Louvre gave me some awesome memories.

THE Palace on the Prairie

This is by far my favorite building on campus, The Gaylord Memorial Stadium. I’ve been to every game since I’ve been a student at OU. When I think about this stadium the feeling that always comes to mind is excitement. There is nothing like being at the Palace on Saturdays, pure excitement and adrenaline. Its also one of the biggest and prettiest stadiums I have ever seen.

Jimmie Austin

This is the clubhouse at OUs golf course Jimmie Austin. The clubhouse itself isn’t very extravagant, actually it’s a very simple layout. It has a pro shop and a restaurant. The clubhouse also has outdoor seating on the second floor that’s nice to hangout on after a morning 18 . Me and my boys go golfing here Every Sunday morning. As we pull up just as the sun is rising with coffee in hand and dew still on the grass is when I’m at my absolute happiest. This clubhouse represents not only the fantastic game of golf but also time I get to spend with my best friends playing the greatest game ever created.