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The Event Center

This building is a part of so many good and bad times. I spent so much time here it is unbelievable. I played so many games, had so many practices, so many events, meetings, gatherings, and even graduation ( I graduated with a very small class), just too many memories it’s hard to imagine making them anywhere else but in that building. This building will forever hold a special place in my heart. Over all the building is so nice and has had a very positive impact on me and my life.

OU Library

OU Libraries provides update on available resources over two-week move to  online classes due to coronavirus | News |

A beautiful building on one face, the OU library is an absolute classic on campus. I always thought it was odd then, that they completely ignored this style when they added the other half to it. Why does the other face of the library look like a completely different building? You could easily be fooled into thinking these are two separate buildings, even the interior of the new section is totally different. I quite like the old exterior gothic styling, with the ancient, claustrophobic reference section of the library inside. It really feels like an old historical library. I also understand what they tried to do with the new section, making it feel like a new public library, with a lounge, computers and food. It just doesn’t gel with the other side at all and would have been better served as its own building in my opinion.

Price Hall

Price Hall is where most of my classes would be if we weren’t online, this is where most of my classes were last semester. I spent so much time here last semester and I did not mind it, I love how central it and how close it is to the Union because I would get Starbucks any chance I had. This building has had such a positive impact on me and I hope to be able to go back next semester if my classes are not all online again.

St. John’s Church Richmond

St. John's Episcopal Church and churchyard | Architecture Richmond

“Give me liberty or give me death.” I remember stepping into this building and it really felt like being sent back in time. The aged wood interior, the absurd old english of the scripture. There is something beautiful in the simplicity of this church. No frills, just a building purely designed to worship. I find it fascinating that this is the building they actually had to have the Virginia Convention after being kicked out by the Royal governor. I will always remember the overwhelming old feeling in this building, the smell, the look of the ancient wood. This historical significance is such an amazing aspect of a building. The amazing experiences that have happened inside.


Couch Tower is where I lived my first semester at OU. I absolutely loved it there even though I only lived a few short months before we had to go home because of COVID-19. The building is just awesome. I lived on floor 12 and the view from my room was just beautiful especially at night. A lot of people have told me that they hated the dorms but honestly it was such a positive experience for me. I loved that I could walk anywhere from here and that there was always so many people around. Made it so easy to meet new people.


I absolutely love this place. It is so peaceful. The building is beautiful. I have recently been attending Paradigm at OU BCM on Thursday nights. It has had a pretty positive impact on me, I have met so many new amazing people. They always have something for you and they welcome anyone and everyone. I have had such a rough time with all my classes being online I am never on campus and I feel like I am not involved enough. So this place has really made this semester better. I love it.

Sarkey’s energy center

Sarkeys Energy Center – Architecture for Non Majors

I love this building! The largest and tallest building on campus, it is the heart of OU engineering and science in my opinion. The building really is deceitfully small on the outside, because so much of it is underground. I remember the first time I looked for a class inside I was so overwhelmed by the sheer number of hallways. The new additions to the building are also great, the new plaque they added outside, and the solar panels and gardens they added to the rooftop walkway. All things considered, I think this is a looming and powerful presence on the engineering quad, and a unique, thematically appropriate interpretation of the OU campus style.

International Church of Cannabis

I went to the cannabis church on a trip to Denver with some friends. At first I thought it would be a gimmicky or cheesy place but upon entering it looks like a plain little church. It’s not till you enter the main church area that is covered in art and light by stained glass windows. My friends and I just took pictures and played music, it was neat and enjoyable. With some research, I learned that it used to be a Lutheran church and was converted.

Couch Center

When I first approached Couch Center at 8:30 am on a Thursday in August of 2018 I felt a type of nervous anticipation. The almost industrially styled building reached an imposing twelve stories into the sky, and I was to live on the eleventh floor. The architectural style and the scale of the building reminded me that I was entering a whole new world. In the days after I moved in, met my roommate, and made my room my own, I was surprised by how used to this new building I had become. The building that at first reminded me more of barracks now felt more like home.

               Today when I enter Couch Center, I feel a wave of nostalgia for that first year of college. Couch became more than just a home. There I met lifelong friends, made unforgettable memories, and worked long hours as I began my undergraduate career. Couch Center reminds me that home does not have to be especially comfortable or beautiful; home is just a place where we live and grow.


Dow Gumerson / Donald McCormick: Physical Science Center, University of  Oklahoma - #SOSBRUTALISM

Alright, so hating the Blender is not an unusual opinion on campus. Even so, this was immediately the first building I thought of when I read this assignment. This building is seriously ugly. A group of professional architects actually thought that having 0 windows on building full of classrooms was a good idea. They also had to see in their sketches that it actually looks like a blender! It also does not match any of the colors or styles of any other buildings on campus; it looks like a prison. I think Sarkey’s Energy Center is a much better implemented skyscraper above a wider building concept. The nail in the coffin for this building is that all the classes that happen inside it suck. General education science and math…everyone’s favorite.