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Double Dip

When I was about eight years old I started playing baseball and I eventually became close with my team so we would all go out for ice cream after our games. I remember the first time we went I was shocked by the oddly colored and shaped building. As soon as I got inside the garage door walls immediately caught my attention, the buildings walls in the front were all garage doors that were fully functional. So whenever we had a game and it was cold outside or bad weather, they would have the doors down and vice versa for the hot Texas summer days. The building soon came to represent an icon in our town and it was cherished by many. Sadly they had to relocate the building a few years ago and eventually closed down all business. Nonetheless it was great while it lasted and will be remembered by many people for its good ice cream and crazy looking building. 

Blog 1

The first building that comes to mind is the Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium or otherwise known as Jerry’s World. I have had the privilege of going to this stadium twice now. One was for one of Dallas’s pre-season games against the Raiders and the other time was when OU played Nebraska in the last Big 12 championship game back in 2010. The structure itself is absolutely massive and I was in awe both times I have gone to it.

The second building is a building here on campus known as Gould Hall which is the architecture building. This building has always held a place in my heart because I started out as an Architecture major but have since then switched to Architectural engineering. If it wasn’t for architecture, then I probably wouldn’t be here at OU in the first place so that’s why it holds a place in my heart. I would also come and chill in the lobby area while I was waiting for the shuttles to Lloyd Noble as it felt more welcoming than other buildings on campus to me.

The third building is also another building here on campus known as Devon Hall. The reason why this building sticks out to me is because of how many hours I have spent here studying and doing homework or projects for courses during my time at OU. That has changed due to COVID unfortunately as I opt to study from my apartment now. I really enjoy the layout of the building and all the windows in the study rooms. Looking out over campus and seeing the football stadium serves as a nice change when you’re stuck studying for hours on end.

The fourth building is the BOK Center located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I always thought this building had a very unique design and is pretty large for an event center also. This was where I saw my first concert back in 2008, I believe. It was for my favorite band of all time, Metallica. That concert it still my favorite concert I have been to. I also watched Nitro Circus perform here with all of their dirt bike stunts and such. TOOL came here a year or so ago but I had to miss it unfortunately.


  • 1. The first building that I had my first impression with is the Adams Center at OU, at McCasland Tower, which was the first building I have ever entered OU. It was my moved in date during the Summer of 2017, specifically Sunday, May 28, 2017. When I first looked at the building, the building was very tall and looked robust with the dark red paint outside; like it could handle a tornado, which it can in fact. Although the main floor ceiling looks tall and spacious, the ceiling for upstairs was considerably short, I guess they built it like that so the school and accommodate more rooms for students. I lived in a two-bedroom room and one bathroom. The living space is small for my liking, which is understandable. The room looked old, from my guess, the tower was built at least 30 years ago, I could see cracked walls and faded paints all around the tower. The McCasland tower was my first dorm room when I was being a college student, I did not have any particular memory with it because I lived there only for two months, then I moved to a different dormitory building in August 15, 2017, its name is Dunham Residential College.
Adams Center

2. During the time I lived in McCasland Tower, I took Renaissance Art and Pre-Calculus, which both took place in the Physical Science Center. The Physical Science Center was the second building that I entered at OU, and yet it al enormous when looking at a distance. The Physical Science Center is brown and tall in every way I could imagine, unlike the design of the McCasland tower, which was confined and uncomfortable. I do not remember how many floors there were at the McCasland, but the Physical Science Center is much taller, and yes, it is; with over fifteen floors, eighteen to be exact. Although only four floors are for students to access, the rest of the floors are for staff and faculty. I have the love for adequate to tall ceiling building and the Physical Science Center certainly did not disappoint me. The tall ceiling makes the rooms bigger and spacious. The building has four entrances so students and staff can easily access in their route favor. For me, I like going to the basement entrance, because I do not have to walk up the hill on the second floor as its steep slope makes me tired after a long walk from the Jenkins Parking Facility. I am a Biology major, which is a science course, and fortunately, most of my classes took place at the Physical Science Center, so I do not have to go anywhere else far away.

3. Next, the third building that I have been to and also lived in is the Dunham Residential College. It is the new building that was finished in August 2017. The building is located on Lindsey and Asp Ave. Unlike the McCasland tower, the Dunham Residential College was beautiful from the inside out. When you entered and looked to the left, its lounge was so beautiful you thought its not a dorm anymore. Keep going straight and you will get to the dining room. The dining room there is my most favorite place to go beside getting food. Its because it was built like a medieval church with very high ceiling and arches. I can guarantee you that this is the fanciest dormitory dining I have ever seen. Look to the right and you will find the food section where you can order a made-to-go bowl of fried rice or choose a variety of pizzas and sushi. The only thing that I did not like was the food selection. There were not many options for me to choose and I often found myself going to the Couch Center to have supper. I lived in 4th floor, a single room B410. My room is a little small, but livable. I had a king-size bedroom and a closet to store my stuff. One thing I like about my room is that it is very quiet, which helped me focus of homework and assignments when my neighbors next door is having parties all day all night long. The Dunham Residential College also had a lounge area for residents on each floor, which was where activities and announcements are made by the RA. I must admit, the cost of living there is expensive, but not worth the price for a college student. Although the amenities are nice to have such as guest lounge, fancy dinging room and dining table, it does not worth it for a college student to stay because the price is sky high.

4. Lastly, the building that I had my first impression with was the OU library. When I transferred to OU in the Summer of 2017, I walked around campus to take a tour of the university and I walked by the Bizzelle Memorial Library and I am amazed by the size of it; it was so big that I thought this could not be a library of a university. As I walked past the main entrance, the main door was big and tall that leads to the computer room and the stairs. The library consists of 5 floors with the main purposes of providing students space to study and store books and valuable resources for students and faculty to access to achieve their goals. The thing that I am impressed with the Bizzelle library is that on the fifth floor, there was a Gallileo gallery, particularly of how they are able to store very old books, which dated hundreds of years ago. Being able to see those books in person although I was not permitted to touch them due to, they were very fragile. I have spent a good amount of time in the library to study for finals and doing home work and it wass very effective because of the quietness and the ease to access printers, scanners, and helps from my friends as we formed study group at the library to tackle the home work.

All of these building always have a place in my heart and will always be, as they were the first buildings that I entered when I transferred to OU. It was a new experience for me encounter these building. I still remember the first days I saw those and how I admired the work of the architects and workers that contributed to the magnificent work of art for the OU community inside out. One thing that I find in common with each building is that they are all painted in dark red except the Physical Science Center. Maybe you already know this, but the dark red color represent OU theme.

         Lastly, I choose the new Dallas cowboys new development in Frisco called The Star. This building does not have a whole bunch of historic meaning to me because of how recently it was build, but it makes me think of the future and how architecture is constantly growing and improving. This development was done by Jerry Jones in order to try and bring the cowboys to Frisco, which at the time of the development, was the fastest growing city in America. This building holds so much significance to me because my friends and I all live within walking distance and so when we got to college this was being built. It gave us a new place to all meet and catch up which to me represented moving into the next stages of our lives and that was something really cool to see.

            Located in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO sits one of the most beautiful college campuses in the world. This Campus sits in a valley between the Rocky Mountains and at the center of the campus is the pinnacle of the campus, the chapel. This chapel is one of the coolest designs of a building I have ever seen. Not only is the building an absolute marvel to see, but it is full of rich tradition that is only shared with the students who embark on the journey of attending the prestigious school. This building means so much to me because it was the first college I visited when I was planning on pursuing college football. I fell in love with the campus the moment I laid eyes on it and knew I would love to attend. After breaking my hip those dreams were no longer attainable, but the impact of seeing this building one time has stuck with me for almost a decade. Not only is it an amazing building but it also shows the time and hard work that was put in to create something that is a mirror image of the detail and hard work it takes to graduate from this school.

            My second building is the state capital building located in Austin, TX. This is probably one of my favorite buildings in the world. This building not only represents this state, but it also is packed with our deep incredible history. Directly in the center of the building is a beautiful rotunda that you can look up all the way to the top point. This rotunda is covered in portraits of past republic presidents and governors paying respect to the great leaders who helped build this state. This building means so much to me because when I first went to visit I gained an entirely new perspective into the history of our state and how Texas is so different from everywhere else. I remember being taken back by just how massive this building was, and this is when the tour guide reassured me everything is bigger in Texas. This building is full of some fond memories for me and will always be one of my favorite pieces of architecture on earth. I am excited ton one day take my kids there and teach them what I was taught by my father.

Reunion Tower is one of the most recognizable buildings in the entire city and holds a lot of the city’s history. The tower stands out among all other buildings there because of the giant lit up ball that sits on the top of the tower. That ball holds a restaurant as well as a large hall for gatherings. One of the most interesting things about this ball is that it is constantly rotating 360 degrees, so while you are sitting at a table eating you can look out the window every 20 minutes with an entirely different view. This building means so much to me because it is where our 4th grade graduation was held, and as silly as that sounds it was something I will always remember because it was the first time I was really taken back by how great of a city I live in. It also means a lot to me because anytime there is a big event or tragedy the lights on the building are colored and designed to pay respect to whatever is going on. So when the Mavs won the NBA championship in 2014 you could see their symbol on the ball from anywhere in down town.


By: Christopher Lucas

One57 in New York is a very unique residential building that is the home of many financiers and executives. The building is designed to look like waves falling down from the top. The back side looks over central park and sparked a little bit of controversy over it’s unique design. When I visited NYC, I visited this building and I remember there being two entrances: one for high profile residents and one for visitors/other tenants. This was interesting to me that they were trying to implements a certain level of prestige even at the entrance. It made me feel like the building was almost trying to justify its loud design by creating a “high class” entrance for select individuals. While I think the design is loud, I think it contributes character to the south side of Manhattan.

200 West, New york

200 West in New York City is one of the most beautiful commercial buildings in Manhattan. The building is Goldman Sachs’s global headquarters and was built to make their mark in the heart of the financial district. I remember walking past it a couple of years ago and feeling the energy of the fast pace of the financial services industry. To me, this building represents innovation, efficiency, and an entrepreneurial spirit. The large glass and steel building is a style I really like and it sets the precedent for how banks in the future will construct their headquarters.

432 Park avenue

By: Christopher Lucas

432 Park Avenue in New York City is one of my favorite sky scrapers. It stands out amongst all other residential towers. The unique design of large square windows projects a simple, yet complex design in the engineering. You can see that some of the squares are open, allowing wind to pass through the building for stability. Each unit is very expensive and I was astonished by the size of the building when I stood on the street looking up at it. I was motivated when I stood there in front of the lobby doors. Owning one of these apartments is the equivalent to owning a piece of art in the heart of Manhattan. What a beautiful building!