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Paul Rudolph – SARASota High School

Sarasota high school was actually the second high school that Rudolph constructed for the Sarasota school district. It is a prime example of Rudolph’s transition from his 1950’s style to his later works, as the high school was constructed from 1958-1960.

In what’s been called a volumetric study of folded concrete plans, the high school is open and airy while alluding to Rudolph’s brutalist style which would come in his later work. Rudolph was also greatly inspired by the work of Le Corbusier’s brutalist style in India

Rudolph once again takes into account the climate when designing Sarasota high school. The building itself is primarily piers and folded concrete slabs, while the class rooms are arranged along a central airway leading to the large front staircase. The glass classrooms encourage ventilation this while the concrete cantilever above the windows blocks out the harsh Florida sun. The high school still stands today and is an excellent example of Rudolph’s versatile yet unique sense of style.


Brandevoort - Wikipedia

Another building designed by Rob Krier, Brandevoort, is located in a block in Helmond, the Netherlands. Seriously speaking, Brandevort is not a separate building, it is a community. About 9,000 people in this community live in a total of 3,000 houses and apartments. This block was formerly farmland, which was later annexed by Helmond. Brandevort is built around a central “fortress” called De Veste. There are supermarkets, health centers, kindergartens, and even a railway station in the community. These designs make Brandevort look like a small city.



The architect I chose was Rob Krier, a sculptor, architect, urban designer, and theorist from Luxembourg. He taught architecture at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. In addition to being a visiting professor at many universities, he has also designed many outstanding buildings. One of the buildings is the Artklass building in Bilbao, Spain,this is an apartment. This is a beautiful building with a green and gold dome facing six different directions. From the exterior of this building, we can see that this building has some retro style, but it also has a modern flavor.

Indian Springs (Lake|Flato Architects)

Indian Springs School, Lake|Flato (

Indian Springs School is a boarding school in Birmingham, Alabama located on 350 acres of land. The school is being redesigned by Lake|Flato, the effects of which can already been seen by the classic Lake|Flato flat-rectangular roof over the entrance. Like most Lake|Flato projects, this school is being redesigned in order to advance the role of natural light. The school campus will also have a rain garden to help make use of the excess water and make the campus appear vibrant.

Horizon House (Lake|Flato Architects)

Horizon House, Lake|Flato (

The Horizon House is a 7,000 sq. ft. project overlooking the Las Vegas Valley in Nevada. The house is very modern in its design, and makes frequent use of right angles. To add to the beauty, though, these right angles don’t necessarily line up. Furthermore, the landscaping around the house mirrors that of the environment and thus is small plants and rocks. Because the Horizon House has such a view over the valley, windows are large to both provide a view to observers indoors and allow natural light to flow inward.

moody- Nolan: Albany state university – student center

The building is not only a “hub” for various student activities, but it is also a pass-through between main campus to the major cross street. The idea was to enhance recruitment and enrollment and to improve the experience for pedestrians by having an easy accessibility vertically and horizontally. At 53,000 square feet, the space includes a ballroom, meeting rooms, dining options, spirit shop, and a bookstore.