Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tom Wright: Serengeti Lodge

By: Jozlyn Kizer

This is the Serengeti Lodge in Tanzania Africa. The Serengeti Lodge is a series of lodges tucked deep into the Serengeti landscape. One aspect that I like about this project from Wright is how the building blends in with the natural environment. The lodge’s building materials were all obtained from the surrounding savannah and mountains to give it a seamless transition from building to landscape. These lodges are truly sustainable, as they utilize solar power instead of relying on the wider resources of the Earth to make the lodges habitable. Simple design aspects were used for these lodges just in case they became abandoned in the future, they would be able to erode back down into the Earth with no harm done. My favorite aspect of these lodges is how open they are and how they offer a full 360 view of the beautiful Serengeti. 


ragnarok rockslide

the Ragnarok Rockslide building created by the COBE PROJECT is a beautiful piece of architecture. The aim for this building was to be a cultural centerpiece for the city of Rockslide. The goal for them was to preserve as many concrete buildings as possible that existed in this space. I love this building because it stands out among the other original concrete structures like a landmark or beacon. It is used for cultural productions, music hall, and other concerts. This building makes me feel so alive with the gold and red color pallet. Very well done project by these guys in, Rockslide Denmark

L’ ARbre Blanc

L'Arbre Blanc (The White Tree) in Montpellier, France by SOU
L’ Arbre Blanc Building

This building designed by Sou Fujimoto, is an Apartment complex in Montpellier, France. As you can see this building is very unique in its structure, as it has overhanging balconies all over the building. Fujimoto designed this building to have these balconies as the climate in this region is nice all year round, so he wanted renters to have the ability to have an outside space at their disposal. He also wanted the building to look like a “Tree” in a sense as it would give it a unique style. This also gives the building a nature like feel, as it already sits aside a main river in France.

Tom Wright: Minthis Hills

By: Jozlyn Kizer

This is a residential neighborhood in Paphos Cyprus called Minthis Hills. I decided to choose this project because I felt it was different than the other projects that Wright has done. This housing development copies many organic structures that optimize views for all residents, as well as privacy. The neighborhood’s layout mirrors plants and the way each section is a branch off of the main stalk. Not only does the layout mirror that of a plant, but the neighborhood lays within the beautiful Tsada Mountains. Wright took advantage of these mountains in order to identify Minthis Hills with the natural physiology of the world around it. There are 500 villas within the complex, as well as a golf course all tucked into the Tsada Mountains. 


Tom Wright: Burj Al Arab Hotel

By: Jozlyn Kizer

This is the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai. It was originally designed in 1993 and construction was finished in 1999. This hotel was meant to be an iconic staple of Dubai, just like the Sydney Opera House in Australia. The hotel is made to look identical to a sail, as the hotel jets out into the Arabian Gulf sitting on a man-made island all by itself. In order to support the building and brace it from outside forces, the hotel was constructed with an exoskeleton structure that acts as a backbone. Not only does It have a vertical backbone, but extra diagonal trusses were also placed on the outside of the structure for more support against the coastal storms. I think this hotel is really pretty. I love how Wright designed it to look so natural in the environment it is in. 


Tom Wright: Ad Astra

By: Jozlyn Kizer

This building is Called the Ad Astra Tower, and it is located in Batumi George. It has not yet been built, so the picture you are looking at above is a concept animation of the tower. This building is being constructed to house boutiques, multi-purpose event halls, and a five-star hotel. Ad Astra has many unique features including its exterior diagonal grid structure and its pointing platform at the top. The diagonal grid skin has two ergonomic purposes. One, it helps brace the tower against forces such as the wind. Two, the overhangs and integrating louvers allow for more controlled solar units lowering energy costs. The building’s second unique feature harbors a secret. The top platform houses a restaurant and champagne lounge. From this 250-meter-tall tower, views from the top are going to be spectacular. I love the name of this tower because Ad Astra is Latin for “to the stars”. This name is fitting, as the tower points up to the stars and the vertical grid design forces your eyes to look up. 



Designed by Tatiana Bilboa, this multiuse biotechnology facility located in Culiacan Rosales, Mexico, was completed in 2012. The building was designed for the Monterrey Institute of Technology. Bilboa’s design was inspired by a mix of geometry and nature (a tree to be exact). The building consists of 4 blocks made of glass and steel stacked on top of one another with every other block being rotated 90 degrees to create large overhangs and patios. The resulting tree structure creates a very visually unique building. I think this building is quite interesting and eyecatching. The use of the glass exterior makes the building look inviting and open.

I also think it is interested to look at some of the different structural systems used in the construction of this building as seen in the above picture. For example, one can see the piles that were driven into the foundation of the building for structural support.

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

The James B. Hunt Jr. Library is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. With it taking five years to complete starting in 2008 and finishing 2013. I have actually visited this beautiful building, as my grandparents live in Raleigh North Carolina. As North Carolina State University Deciated the building, Snohetta worked extremely close with the university to get this building finished. The building is a huge one with it being 230,000 square feet. 

“Under” – Europe’s First Underwater Restaurant

This building is just awesome, as it is a restaurant under water! The building “Under” is Europe’s first ever underwater Restaurant. As unique as this building is, it is as well just as beautiful. Located in Lindesnes, Norway, the building only took about three years to finish. Starting in 2016 and finishing up in 2019. Talk about work, I could only imagine how hard it was to build underwater or placing it in water. Even if you do not want to eat at this restaurant, I imagine seeing sea animals swim is a wonderful site to see down there. The building itself is also very environmentally friendly making it a marine environment.

Tverrfjellhytta, Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion

The Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion is located in Hjerkinn, Dovre, Norway. While it took two years to complete starting in 2009 and finished in 2011. While the building itself looks very simply it is very unique in its own ways, especially the insides. The building is overlooking mountains, as a beautiful view. The building is open to the public and is a very good tourist location, as to getting there most people hike the building.