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Aspen Art Museum – SHIGERU BAN

Photo Credit: Michael Moran/OTTO

This is the Aspen Art Museum located in Aspen, Colorado that was designed by Shigeru Ban. Despite being a very modern building, it features an extensive use of wood/composite wood for both structural and styling purposes. The building contains wooden roof beams and the exterior has a woven pattern, created with a material called Prodema, which is comprised of paper and resin under a real wood surface. For me, the woven exterior is the part of this building that stands out the most, and it reminds me of a woven basket, which is something that’s artful yet natural and organic. Thinking deeper, I feel that there exists a sharp contrast between the natural, wood-like material on the exterior and the artificial, square grid-like pattern they are arranged in. A natural structure is not so organized, yet humans have a desire to neatly organize things, typically into geometric shapes. Here, the Aspen Art Museum has a strong repetition of rectangles/squares.

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Tatiana Bilbao – Botanical garden

Image result for Botanical Garden / Tatiana Bilbao S.C.

Tatiana Bilbao was the architect for the Botanical Garden located in Culiacan, Mexico. It was built is 2012. Over 30 years ago, engineer Carlos Murillo, created the Culiacan Botanical Garden. Tatiana Bilbao job was “reconciling nature with architectural order,” and I think she did a great job. The pictures of the Botanical Garden are so beautiful. The design is very green and modern, which are my two favorite things when I look at architecture.

Jeanne Gang blog 2

The writers theatre was built in 2016 in Glencoe Illinois. Here writers can showcase their talents in front of people. This building has also received a LEED Gold Certification. In fair weather the lobby can open to the adjacent park, allowing the energy and interaction generated within the theater to extend outward into the community beyond. The theater’s two performance spaces a 250 seat main stage and 99 seat black box space maximize the sense of intimacy between actors and audience, enhancing the immersive experience of Writers’ productions. My favorite part of the building is the second-floor canopy walk is structured by great timber trusses with a lighter wood lattice hung in tension. I also love how the lobby offers a space for theater-goers and the public alike to gather. It can host a range of events, from talks to informal performances.

Yvonne Farrell UTEC Structure

This building is another creation from Yvonne Farrell. In this building, you are able to see all the windows and pillars only on the front of the building. This is because the building faces the coast and behind it is just city litter. The Pillars are there to easily allow the ocean breeze to enter the building so the building never gets hot. Yvonne has a style of a lot of windows, balconies and having the building all the same color made from some type of stone.

chicland hotel

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

I chose this picture for a reason. You can clearly tell which hotel is the Chicland, especially if you know ATN Architects were the ones to build it. I continue to love their work it is so intriguing. I definitely feel as if this building gets the most attentions compared to the ones around it. This hotel has 129 with 21 stories and it was finished in June of 2019. I would definitely prefer to stay at this hotel in Da Nang, Vietnam if I had to choose one. It just catches the eye more and me knowing the background of the country it was built right and efficiently.

Yvonee Farrell Anthony Timberland Center

After looking at Yvonne Farrell’s different buildings that she’s created, I’ve started to pick up on common themes in her buildings. Yvonne really likes the modern style with stone and big windows. This building is the Anthony Timberland Center at the University of Arkansas. As you can see the building is very modern with big long windows at the front. She also incorporated a big balcony on each side of the building to go with a more symmetrical look. One thing I like about the building is how it’s somewhat symmetrical but not perfectly. The roof on the right side is a little bit taller and the balconies on both sides don’t perfectly match but it’s close.

Phillips Exeter Academy Library

This building done by Louis Kahn is located in New Hampshire. The interior is the main attraction to me with this building. The circular openings that show off each floor are very nicely done. I also like the contrast of the grey stone with the tan wood at each floor. The overall cubical shape of the building is very fitting for a library.

Calpham manor primary school

Sadie Morgan and her group renovated the Calpham manor primary school. The school is located in a very tight fit urban area. So, it was a challenge to provide space for learning due to not having much space, but they pulled it off and made it really stand out amongst the other buildings. The new wing was therefore conceived as a freestanding extension that plugged into the Boarding School, enabling the school to function effectively and holistically as a single entity.

No. One Centaur Street

Designer: Sadie Morgan, dRMM Architects

Designed by renowned architect Sadie Morgan, this apartment building gives us a sense of the innovation and detail that goes into designing & constructing sustainable urban developments. What really drew me to this project was the unique siding that seems to get further and further apart as it goes up each course.

As for the interiors, I am a big fan of modern interior design but at the same time, I value comfort more. That said, I think the designer(s) did a great job making it modern but also cozy. The only big part I didn’t like was all the bright orange furniture and millwork (below).

Tatiana Bilbao – Bioinnova

See the source image

Bioinnova was built in 2012. Tatiana Bilbao was the architect for the building. It is located in Culiacan Rosales, Mexico. The area is 6260 m². This building structure is considered a biotechnological park building. They wanted it to be a link between academics and business for the college. The structure is located in the state of Sinaloa. I like the way this structure is designed, I love the slick and modern design. I read that each level of the building works technically and aesthetically with a specific sustainable system, so each part does its work to keep the building running. I absolutely love this idea. I would love to visit this building some day.