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Mgm Grand

When I was younger my family and I would travel a lot for my dad’s work. One of my favorite places we ever stayed was at the MGM Grand. I remember this place because of the fond memories I have and because of how cool the building was. Outside it is tall and magnificent. It has a staircase design on the front of the building. It also has the famous lion outside of it. The indoor part of the building was huge and spacious. It had gold accents, my favorite. The building really is grand inside and out.

James Gallier, Christ Church Catherdral

A New Orleans church became too small for it’s congregation, and they got James Gallier and James Dakin to draw hem some plans for a new and bigger one. It has since been redone again, by Gallier Jr. since then. Back when the second building as up, it featured columns large front doors. and was styled similarly to Greek temples. It had a cross on the front displayed prominently above the columns.

Christ Church Cathedral. A brief History [online]. Availible:

Dragon bridge – nam duong

This is Dragon Bridge, it locates in the city of Danang. The bridge complete in 2013 and crosses the Han River. This bridge is very unique, as you can tell in the photograph. It has a dragon flying along the bridge. The dragon can do fire and shoot water as well. Ammann and Whitney designed this bridge.

Dragon Bridge added a new unique bridge to this city. A city of bridge. Danang has other beautiful and unique bridges as well.

Jubilee Church – nam duong

The Jubilee Church designed by Richard Meier and his partners. The church stand outs from the traditional church. And does not look like a church. The design of this church influence a lot by nature. We can tell by the shape of the building. The triangular site of the building have their own purpose. Dividing and separating the section of the church.

Inside the church, it set itself apart from the traditional church. A lot of light capture by the moon windows of the building.

Lüsslingen, switzerland church

This church means a lot to me because both of my parents were born in Switzerland and this church is right down the street from my grandma’s house. Every time I go to Switzerland and I see this church I get so excited because I know I am near my grandma’s house and it is also the centerpiece to the very small town of Lüsslingen. My mom was baptized here along with both of my siblings and myself. This church is very old and looks rustic and is quite small but it will always have a special place in my heart and brings back so many happy memories when I see it.

The inside of the Lüsslingen church in Switzerland

Willis tower

The Willis Tower – Ron Watts

The Willis Tower formerly known as the Sears Tower is tallest building in Chicago. Although I had seen this building my whole life my first time actually going here wasn’t until I was 24. My wife was visiting Chicago to meet my family for the first time and we went on date downtown. What made this visit so special was that it was both our first times being there and we got to experience the Skydeck together. The Skydeck was is glass balcony on the 103rd floor that extends about 4 feet from the edge of the building which makes you feel like your floating above the city. That was eight years ago and we still talk about how much fun it was.

James Gallier, Barton Academy

Some of the design features include a surrounding fence, columns, and a sort of splitting of the lower floor from the rest. The columns don’t actually touch the ground, but are standing on the lower floor. On the top of the academy is a ring of columns, supporting a dome, supporting another smaller ring of columns, holding up another smaller dome.
Barton Academy is Alabama’s first public school, Designed by James Gallier, Charles Dakin, and James Dakin. In 1970 it was placed in the National Register of Historic Places.

(2013).Barton History. bartonacademy [online]. Available:

denver public library – michael graves

After doing some research on Michael Graves I found one of his projects which was the Denver Public Library. I did not really think much of it since it is a library but after looking up a picture I was absolutely shocked that it was a library. When I first saw it, it looked more like a colorful office building than a library. What I love about this building is the use of so many different shapes to form one cohesive and unique building. The use of squares, rectangles, ovals, circles, and triangles may seem like too many different shapes going on but Graves turned into such an appealing addition to the city of Denver.

The central branch of the Denver Public Library

The interior of the library is just as unique as the exterior with a large wooden central branch. As the exterior shows, this library is a massive 540,000 square feet with lots of different rooms to enjoy. I would love to one day get to see this amazing piece of work with my own eyes.

Reunion tower, dallas tx

I first visited the iconic Reunion Tower in 2008 with my family for a birthday dinner. Anyone who lives around Dallas knows of the Reunion Tower and has seen it if they are driving into the city. It is 561 feet tall with 50 floors. I was so excited to visit it and go to the top floor where the restaurant was that we ate at. The top floor has a 360° view of the entire city and the floor rotates all the way around to ensure a great view no matter what table you are sitting at. The tower also has lights on the exterior that change accordingly to match holidays, sporting events, current events, etc.

When I was at the top floor eating I could hardly even focus on my food because the view was so incredible and I remember just thinking to myself, “How did someone build this?” I still have yet to see a piece of work so unique and eye catching as the Reunion Tower!