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Shenzhen Terraces

One of MVRDV’s coolest buildings to me is Shenzhen Terraces in China. This is absolutely beautiful. When I first saw I picture of it I didn’t believe it was real! My favorite part is how eco-friendly it is. You can tell by all the greenery you can see, but it was built with this in mind. The layers look almost like pancakes and it creates a town that looks like something out of a futuristic movie.

Michael F. Price College of Business

Michael F. Price College of Business building in Norman, OK

This building has played an important role in my life. It was the centerpiece of my academic career and the stepping stone to my professional career. I spent five years of my life in the Price College of business. I learned about every aspect of the business world. I made great friends in this building. In this building, I worked hard to get to the place I am today. At the time I just saw it a regular building full of regular classrooms. But as I approach the end of my time here at the University of Oklahoma, I realize that this building represents all of my successes in my academic career.


rauthaus-glockenspiel in germany

This is located in Munich, Germany and was so amazing to see. It is a famous cuckoo clock embedded into this beautiful clock tower. It is Renaissance style architecture and is intricately detailed. I have such positive memories here, as we love going to the market around the corner and grabbing some food. the actual square this is located in is always filled with people, but there is still a grand view from the market seating. All of the buildings surrounding this tower are also very grand and it surprises me every time how detailed and unique each of them are.

OU- Norman

This school has many different buildings but as a whole I find joy in this school… well sometimes. This is the college I have been going to for 2 years now and at the end of this year I will have my bachelors degree from here. It is an amazing school and I have done and met some incredible people here however there are downfalls to this school. Their has been times I have felt so uncomfortable and judged at this school because my race isn’t the majority but i never let that stop me from why I came here in the first place. One of my favorite things about this school is the stadium and football games. That has been one of the funniest experiences in my time of being here at OU. Ive always came to OU football games even when I attended another college back in Texas but there is nothing like going o an OU football game and being a current student there. OU has gave me so many great friends and memories and I will forever be thankful for that!

Dallas Cowboys stadium

This will forever be my most favorite building ever. The Dallas Cowboys are my favorite NFL football team. Im from Dallas so of course this is my fav football team however they’re also my favorite because they are the BEST football team despite hardly ever making it to playoffs better yet a super-bowl. I do not allow Dallas Cowboys slander so please keep your comments to yourself haha. I have so many great memories of being at this place. Whether it was for pro football, high-school, or college football i was always having the time of my life when I was here.

JUt Interior

One of my favorite creations by MVRDV is the Jut Interior in Taiwan. Not only is this interior absolutely beautiful but it is also made from recycled threads so it is eco-friendly!

I find this interior so calming. It makes me want to sit in there and just relax. It is so intricate and must have taken so much time and attention to detail. It is just wonderful.

Reunion Tower- Dallas

With me growing up in Dallas my whole life I never understood what could be in this building or how they even made it like this. As I got older I got more and more interested to go into this building because I love heights and its very tall. I don’t have many memories inside the building but it’s definitely apart of Dallas’s skyline. If you’re familiar with Dallas you would know this is a pretty famous building. I love how the ball on top rotates constantly and how it turns colors at nighttime. This building will forever be a part of my childhood.

Northside highschool- My highschool i Graduated from

Wow, this school made me sick when I pulled up next to it every day. This is the high-school I graduated from in Arkansas. The teachers and people there were always so mean. Anything negative you can think about was attached to this schools name. Yes, I had my good days but at the same time it stripped all my energy away from me everyday I would walk in there for class. One great thing came from me going here each day and that was me obtaining my diploma!

My old house

The way buildings are designed changes based on how they need to work with their environment. Here in Oklahoma, Air conditioning is far more important most of the year than heat is. Since cold air sinks, you need the household vents on the ceiling so that all of the cold air doesn’t stay settled on the floor in the summer. In a colder climate like Wyoming, it’s the opposite. You put the vents on the floor so that the hot air doesn’t stay stuck on the ceiling in the wintertime. This feature actually saved my life once.
It was back when I lived here.

Dad took this photo

Gosh I don’t miss that place.
Any-who, like I was saying, Wyoming is cold. In the winter you can feel the inside of your nose start to freeze after just a couple of minutes.
As cold as it is in the winter though, the other kids on the bus were still obnoxious so one day in the winter I decided to walk home instead of dealing with the loud and noisy bus. I was walking through the park, and they’d put up secondary fencing to catch the blowing snow. The snow drifts that piled up there were easily chest high to a grade schooler, and usually stiff and crunchy on the top. There was snow blowing around, I was pulling my feet up almost knee high for every step I took, and probably ten minutes in puffing for breath, nose numb, cold and tired after school… I was feeling pretty tired. I just wanted to take a short rest and close my eyes for a few minutes…
And I did. I lay down on a snow drift and closed my eyes. I was cold. I was so cold. And tired. But…
It would just be so much nicer to take my nap at home. I’d grab my fluffiest blanket and a cup of cocoa and wrap it over the warm air piped straight from the floor vent and nest up in a tiny warm cocoon. Yeah. It would be nicer to curl up around the floor vent.
So I opened my eyes. I picked myself up from the snow. I finished my slog home.The floor vent was a much nicer place for my nap. The design features of my old house saved my life.

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon


         Whenever my family and I visit Vietnam, we would always visit the stunning cathedral because of the building’s beauty and meaning. The building was constructed between 1863 and 1880 and is located in the downtown area of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It is said that all of the building materials used to construct the massive church were imported from France and is designed by French architect Jules Bourard, who focused on religious architecture. It is to be the most fascinating cathedral in Vietnam where it is the religious center for 6.2 million Catholics in Vietnam. I’ve always been awed by the details centered towards the massive windows and symmetry work. I am not as religious as I was when I was younger, but I always feel a connection when I enter the doors of the cathedral because the architecture of the building gives it a vibrant and colorful ambiance whether you’re Catholic or not. I would feel contented and proud that this masterpiece is located in my birth country where Vietnam is not really known for its architecture but should be.