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Bizzell Library

OU Bizzell Memorial Library ranked in lists of most gorgeous ...

Through college Bizzell Library has become a home away from home to me. I have spent more time in this building than I have in any other on campus. I think the Biz is so beautiful from both the interior and exterior. In this building I have crammed for tests, pulled all-nighters during finals week, got coffee at The Bookmark, spent passing periods here, and talked and laughed way too much in study rooms. I have met people who have never been to the library and that always comes as a shock! It is my favorite place on campus. When ever I go to do homework or study I always choose the third floor, all the way to the right at one of the long tables near an outlet. Even though the Biz is generally used for studying, I have spent so many of those study hours with friends and helping each other and making memories.

Headington Hall

OU students, faculty discuss Headington Hall visitation policy ...

I lived in Headington Hall as a freshman and some of my best memories of college were made there. Coming into OU I hardly knew anyone else that went to school here, nonetheless other incoming freshmen. My roomates were randomly selected and I ended up loving them. Two were from New Zealand and they all were on the rowing team. In addition to my roomates, I met some of my best friends by living there. They all lived one floor below me and a couple of doors down. I have so many good memories of sleepovers, eating at the cafeteria, long nights in the study rooms, and meeting up downstairs in the lobby. I know some people are not fans of the idea of Headington Hall, but living there shaped the rest of my college experience and I met some of the greatest people and have the greatest memories.


While not necessarily a “building,” Pompeii has been one of the most awe-inspiring pieces of history and architecture I have ever experienced. When we were first driving up to the ruins we couldn’t see much, there started to be a few fragments of the city that we could see here and there, but once we got out of the car and began to walk into the city, it was unbelievable. The shear size of Pompeii was more than I had ever expected. There were bath houses, shopping areas, apartment-like homes, temples and amphitheaters. Paintings were still visible and the roads were incredible. This was real ancient history as up-close as you could imagine and the story of the tragedy of Vesuvius makes seeing Pompeii surreal. These are personal photos.

BRUCE GOFF – Gryder house

Bruce Goff
Rear view of Gryder house
Gryder House
Aerial of Gryder House
Gryder House
Bedroom with conical balcony.

This is by far my FAVORITE building because of the colors, the shape of the house and windows. This house is amazing! It reminds me of a spaceship. The Gryder House is located in Aurora, IL and lies deep in the suburb. It was designed in 1947.W.C. Gryder bought the land from Iola Davidson in June 1957 and seen the Gutman House in Gulfport with inspired them to summon Bruce Goff in March 1960 to design their house. Goff did design a carport but it was never constructed. The back of the house resembles a birdcage. Each room opens to a little conical balcony overlooking a moat that surrounds the house. The unique teardrop windows is so beautiful. Then you have the conical balconies, roof lines are mirrored in water and the textured tiling accents inside and out. The Gryder House is Goff most exotic and fancy house. It was well constructed as even Hurricane Katrina did minimal damage. The house is supported by two reverse hourglass columns that is located on the cochere. It has a concrete slab foundation, stucco cladding and rounded corners.

Pics of Goff’s Gryder House in Ocean Springs
Goff, Bruce, Houses

Sydney Opera House – SYdney, Australia

This building is by far one of my favorites in the entire world. The structure of the building is not only unique but it is also entails wild colors and patterns that project onto its sides from the surrounding lights. This building stands out among all other buildings during the day but is a light show at night–the lights on the building change to different colors and patterns all throughout the year. This building has always fascinated me because it almost looks like the back of a dragon or reptile that’s emerging from the ocean (Godzilla). It also looks like a school of dolphins just jumping out of the water.

Belvidere Mansion

When I think about a piece of architecture in my hometown or from early childhood, I immediately think of the Belvidere Mansion. As a kid I always loved to drive past the Belvidere Mansion; it was so grand and so unique. As a kid, I always thought that the Belvidere looked like a castle. This is probably because the round turrets in the four corners. The main part of the build is extremely square so is a sharp contrast to the circular corners.

Belvidere Mansion | Belvidere mansion, Mansions, Oklahoma fun

This was one of the first field trips I went on in elementary school. I remember outside on the left of the house (left in photo) there was the elevator that was supposed to be installed but never was. I also remember inside them telling us about ghost stories and the history of the house, and something about why there is no railing on the second story balcony; that still catches my eye looking at the facade of the house. I’ve been to the Belvidere multiple times over the years. A couple of times for field trips, once for a Christmas brunch with Santa, once for a murder mystery event, and a few others.

Belvidere Mansion

Bruce Goff – Pavilion for japanese art

Bruce Goff
Pavilion for Japanese Art
Construction on the Pavilion for Japanese Art. 1987
Installation photograph – Atmosphere in Japanese Painting in Los Angeles, CA from September 15, 2017 to February 4, 218.
Pavilion for Japanese Art

In 2018, the Pavilion for Japanese Art will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Goff vision was inspired by Frank Wright. It is 32,100 square feet pavilion that consist of a three-levels with two wings with exhibition galleries, study are, library, offices and storage areas. The west wing of the pavilion is dedicated to changing exhibitions and a netsuke gallery to display the Raymond and Frances Bushell Collection which consists of 900 nutshell-sized Japanese sculptures. The east wing of the pavilion was dedicated for the traditional display of Japanese screens and scrolls or traditional viewing spaces. The exterior walls are made of a translucent material that allows light to enter a room in the same way as a shoji screen. For it’s 30th birthday, the pavilion received a renewal. The County of Los Angeles provided a grant to undergo renovations and repairs. It took approximately two years to complete.

BuckMinster Fuller-Montreal Biosphere

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This original building of enclosed steel and and acrylic cells is an incredible 76 meters in diameter and 62 meters in height and classified as a class 1 dome. Complex system of shades were in place to control the internal temperature relating with the angles of the sunlight passing through. There are four themed platforms that visitors are welcome to visit and and was divided into seven levels even including an escalator. Montreal Biosphere has taken scenic part in a number of movies and stands as a part of the Biosphere Environment Museum.

This building is more aesthetically pleasing than anything for me. The use of different shapes and designs to build an ultimate design is very pleasing to my eyes. Obviously I am not the only one who thinks this considering this building has made multiple experiences in movies.

Buckminster Fuller-Dymaxion house

The dymaxion house is a combination of a dynamic, maximum, and tension styled house, given the name. Fuller created many different versions of this house including a few prototype houses and many houses indoor and outdoor. Although it carries the title of a house, no dymaxion house built by Fuller has ever been lived in. All versions of this house, however, was built with manufactured kits, placed together at the site, and intended for any environment with efficient resource use. Most of these styled houses used the dome styled roof as well.

These buildings are very interesting to me because I like how simple yet reliable they are. In addition to the fact of the house being extremely cost efficient while also able to used at full potential in any environment makes this house a staple of the design. I think it would even be cool if these were made as small outhouse like buildings that people can rent for trips.

777 Main Street – Fort Worth, Texas

777 Main Street – Fort Worth, Texas

This building is one I chose to showcase because it was the first “tall” building that I vividly remember going into. 777 Main Street is the third tallest building in Fort Worth and is 40 stories tall. Designed and constructed in 1983, it was originally built for Carter and Burgess, an Architectural Engineering firm that my dad worked for when I was little. I remember going into the building and the 12th floor was the environmental area, where my dad worked, and his office window looked over the skybridge, which I thought was the coolest thing ever.

This building is so interesting to me because there are so many aspects that go into the planning and design based upon the buildings around them. This building is memorable and important to me because it does stand out to me and has influenced me as a designer and the direction that I am going when it comes to my career.