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LA Sagrada Família

Although I have never been to the La Sagrada FamÍlia, I was still blown away by the images I saw while learning about it. I first came across this while watching the weekly videos assigned to us in class. Architect Antoni Gaudi was the mastermind behind this famous church. Construction started in 1882 and is still to this day being built. While learning about this church , I was amazed on how Gaudi was able to come up with these elaborate plans in a time with not even have the technology that we have today. He was truly ahead of this time. If I ever end up close to Barcelona, Spain I will for sure be making a trip to see this master piece in person. Not only is the outside one of a kind but he inside is just as great. There was not one detail left out in Gaudi’s plans.

Devon Energy Center

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I had the pleasure of growing up near Oklahoma city so I have had the chance to see the Devon Energy Tower quite a lot. Matter of fact it is quite hard to miss this massive building. I have never got the chance to admire the building from the inside but I can only imagine that it looks just as good as it does on the outside. When this building was first begging construction, I remember seeing the “skeleton” of the building and just thought this had to be one of the biggest in the United states. I learned it was not, but I was just shocked about the size.

Alvar Aalto – Maison Louis Carre, France

Alvar Aalto – Maison Louis Carre, France

The Maison Louis Carre, designed in 1956, is yet another example of Aalto’s well known architecture and design style. It was a spin on modern architecture with an emphasis on the materials and furnishings. He was also consulted when it came to the landscaping of the house and surrounding areas. The entrance to the house has a large hall that leads to the different wings and areas of the house, along those walls there are large panels for art pieces to be displayed, as the owner of the home was a very well known art dealer.

This structure is very similar to that of Villa Mairea because of both designs to be on the more modern end of the spectrum. He also used similar materials to Villa Mairea, incorporating an abundance of wood to add warmth and depth.

Chase Bank Building

I first came across this building when I started going to OU/Texas football games my freshman year of college. I have memories of seeing this building from my hotel room and I have always enjoy seeing the blue lights at night. I have also always been a big fan of tall skyscrapers. I think the modern look in big cities just speaks for itself. The architects did a great job with completing the top of the building with the arch. Every time I see this building I am always reminded of the good times I have had during the weekend OU/Texas. I can’t wait to go back to Dallas, Texas this year (hopefully there is a football season this year) and see this building again.

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio

I first visited the Lloyd Wright Home in Studio in 2015. The house is located in Chicago, Illinois on Oak Park Street. The house is currently a museum and visitors can get a tour through it most of the year. This was the first Lloyd Wright house I went to and it left a lasting effect on me. His architecture style is effective at not only making beautiful homes, but homes that also blend in with their surrounding environment. This is very clearly seen at his house on Oak Park Street. The home and studio seen above was also way before it’s time, built in 1909. I became obsessed with his style of architecture shortly afterwards and wanted to learn as much as I could about him. The house seen on Oak Park Street is a perfect example of a house that will never go out of style.

Burj khalifa

In 2014 I was lucky enough to get picked to go to Dubai, UAE and perform customs inspections on military equipment being shipped back to the United States as apart of the retrograde from Afghanistan. Since there were only six of us that were picked we took full advantage of the location we were in; we were allowed to be tourists when we weren’t working so we saw as much as we could while we were there. I remember this trip the most because the port was shutdown so we all go to go down to the Burj. It was pretty exciting being in the worlds tallest building we took in the sites, hit the mall and the beach still one of the best times I can remember.

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Louvre Pyramid Architect: I. M. Pie

Louvre Pyramid 

Architect: I. M. Pie 

In 1983 French president Francois Mitterrand commissioned a Chinese born American architect I. M. Pie to rejuvenate and modernize the worn and aging museum. As one can imagine, the French people did not initially receive this design with open arms. In some instances, the local papers would mock the design with comical cartoons portraying the whole city trapped underneath a giant glass pyramid. I.M. drew his inspiration for the design from a French designer Andre Le Norte.  

Pei’s main idea was to build an underground welcoming reception area that would allow guests access to the museum’s collections, improve the navigation through the complex improving on the existing design in which several guests have gotten lost in. The entrance to this underground reception area would be in the middle of the courtyard topped with the giant glass pyramid. Truly transparent glass was used in the construction of the pyramid as to not distract from the main attraction, the Grand Louver. 


(n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2020, from 

100 eleventh avenue Manhatten new york

I’m not the biggest fan of the thought of living in New York, more specifically in Manhattan, but if I had to I would want to be living it up in this building that was completed in 2010 and has one of the most advanced “Curtain Wall technology” in the world and has one hell of a view. Plus just looking at this, I like that it has motion and isn’t all right angels and a box. It moves and flows and a building should do that because then it has character. Its simply beautiful.


I really enjoyed learning about this building by Jean Nouvel because I find music to be one of the most important things in my life. This is the Copenhagen Concert Center in Copenhagen Denmark. Every building has its challenges but imagines having to work with an audio engineer to building an auditorium that could seat 1800 and that room had to redirect, increase the volume, and not distort the music. Music is not the only piece of art working but also the building that offers the experience to the audience. Beauty and balance working together to great an atmosphere that all can enjoy.

tower 25

Tower 25 is the fourth largest building in Cyprus and it was designed by Jean Nouvel. The first seven floors are Offices, and the rest are luxury apartments with the last two floors combining together to complete the penthouse. What I think is so great about this building are the apparent views that can be seen while working on the bottom seven floors or for anyone lucky enough to live in one of those apartments, the view they get to experience every day. I am a sucker for a view.