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KTK Angus steakhouse

KTK Angus Steakhouse is my family’s business and where I got my first job. However, this building is not just where I got my first job. This building is where I learned to talk to people, developed people skills, and made friends that I still have today. KTK Steak house is where I had my first date, and dinner before prom. This building means so much to me because it is where my family spent a large majority of our time, and it became a second home to me.

southern hills

Southern Hills Country Club | Wanap Golf
This building is representative of more of the entire club that brings back so many memories to me. When I say I grew up here I mean that quite literally. During the summer I would spend any where between 8 to 10 hours a day here playing tennis, golf, swimming and fishing. every time I drive up the front entrance with massive trees on either side it reminds me of my childhood. I remember the countless hours I have spent here training for tennis as well as all of the friends I have made along the way. It reminds me of the time my childhood best friend and I commandeered a golf cart only to get it stuck in mud and clay in the middle of February and how cold we were having to dig it out with our hands. I remember fishing on the ponds when I wanted to get away from my family. From proms and dates that I have had here it doesn’t only remind me of events from the past but people from the past.

BOK center

The BOK Center holds many positive memories for me. This Arena is where I went to my first concert ever and some of my favorite concerts ever. Walking in on of the many entrances I initially feel lost due to just the sheer size but I also know as long as I keep walking in one direction I will eventually find what I am looking for. The building also is an enjoyable thing to look at. I always have memories of driving down the high way in Tulsa just to look to my right just to see this massive arena wondering and hoping that I will be able to go back soon.

Downtown Aquarium

The meaning and intention of this building is to showcase all of the most interesting aquatic life Denver was able to acquire. The building drew me to it because of its fantastic lighting and architecture. It has a great deal of windows and lights that are inviting from the outside. I was in awe when looking from the outside but the inside is what really amazed me.

The massive water tanks draw you in and fill you with awe as you watch all the wildlife interact. It is a wonderful experience that leaves you thinking about it many days after you have left.


The Beta Theta Pi house at OU is not only stunning to look at but has had a greatly positive effect for me. every time you walk through those great big pillars and open the heavy metal door you are reminded of how you are a part of something bigger than yourself. Living in this building has given me many memories, most of which were great but some that I’d prefer to forget but all of those memories accumulate to the feeling of comfort that I get when I walk up those front steps. Unseen in this picture but the basketball court and grill to the left of the house holds its own set of memories from home coming practice to grilling with my brothers on Sundays, every part of this house holds its own unique identity and memories for me.

Denver art Museum

The meaning of this building is to hold valuable art that the procurers could obtain in a building that itself is a form of art. Its purpose is to hold history and culture. The architect Daniel Libeskind said he was inspired by the Rocky Mountains when designing the building. It amazed me when I first saw it. The architecture is stunning and the inside is equally as stunning and extravagant. I felt in awe when I encountered the building. It naturally draws you in and makes you want to investigate what could be inside. Overall, it has been one of my favorite buildings to ever witness.

524 Pacific Highway, St Leonards – PTW Architects

PTW is an Australian architecture firm from Sydney who designs cool and interesting buildings all over the world. One of the buildings that interested me the most is skyscraper/tower located at 524 Pacific Highway, St Leonards. The tall and lengthy building gives a breath-taking view from the outside of the entrance and even at the top levels having an amazing view of the city. Its urban design and structure reminds me of buildings in the modern-day future. I also think it is interesting how the building is located at a popular corner in town which attracts the attention to all who walks by. It is interesting how the stairs in front of the entrance uniquely conform/adjust to the location’s steepness as well. The negative aspect to the building is the lack of landscape as it is only a building covered and surround with cement and glass. This building can also give a representation of rural areas declining and city life taking over with it being in such enclosed area. Overall, the building I think the building is very interesting and uniquely designed which makes it stand out in both positive and negative ways.

Ragnarock | Cobe Architects

Completed in 2016, Cobe Architects designed a four story 3,100 square meter museum located in Roskilde. This city is home of Denmark’s biggest music festival, and the Ragnarock museum provides a new attraction for rock music fans amongst the city’s old cement factories.

The golden anodized aluminum panels that surround the building’s entire exterior reference costumes worn by famous rock stars and the red studs lining the interior were inspired by velvet-lined guitar cases. The museum’s name references Norse mythology. Every detail of this building symbolizes something. The red carpet is said to be based around the journey of a rock star. The carpet leads into the entrance hall, where visitors are invited to “rise to fame” and eventually arrive at the main auditorium. 

Dan little residence hall

The Dan Little Residence Hall is where the students of OSSM live during their two year high school experience there. The school is dedicated to helping many students in Oklahoma learn and grow, and that comes through in the design for the residence hall. There is a focus on common areas where teachers and students can congregate, study, and learn. When you walk up to the building a sense of security comes through in the design, with large concrete walls and bars on the windows it is reminiscent of a prison. This sense of security was designed to keep parents at ease despite being most of them being separated from their children for the first time. It wasn’t simply academic through, the building represented the best thing about OSSM, the people I experienced it with. Every night we would be sealed in from 8 pm to around 6 the next morning, and we would spend these hours, and many more goofing around and building friendships. The first time I walked in the building was foreboding, looking like a prison, but by the end of the two years it represented some of the best times of my life up to that point.

My Childhood home

This is the home in which I grew up in for the majority of my childhood years. It greatly affected me in a positive way as a great deal of my most cherished memories are in this house. The meaning of the building to me is my roots. That is where I became who I am today. My main experience with this home was growing up and learning how to appreciate this building. It provided any different things for me and my brother to do and have fun. This house holds so may memories and I will always cherish it. It provided a safe place for growth and enjoyment.