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Swiss Sound Box – Peter Zumthor

Created for a 2000 Swiss Exhibition, Peter Zumthor designed the Swiss Sound Box Pavillion to create a design that would really stimulate the senses of those who visited. The main element of the building, and why it was called the sound box, is it is designed for sounds to reverberate around the building. The building is also very porous to allow for outside sights, sounds and smells to enter the building, so you are truly surrounded by something that stimulates the senses on all sides. The building is made from wood and is does not have a very elaborate structure, but it is definitely something interesting to look at. It is very apparent how Zumthor was able to actualize his goal of stimulating the senses with limited space of operation.

The Shard by Renzo Piano

Located in Southwark, London

The Shard is a massive piece of beautiful architecture. It was finished in 2012 and now stands as the tallest building in the United Kingdom. It is a business building that hoods 95 stories and 11,000 panes of glass. The name came from a newspaper that said the building would look like a shard of glass in the skyline of the United Kingdom and Piano went with it. The building is shaped like a spire as it comes to a point which is open to the public for viewings from the massive structure. The building is fuel efficient and runs cleanly while taking heat from the fuel conversion process and pushing it through the building. Overall, the building is gorgeous to look at and I imagine that the view from the top of the building is even more amazing.

Eero Saarinen- Dulles international airport

Dulles International Airport is located 26 miles outside of Washington D.C. in Virginia. It opened to the public in 1962, but was not considered a major airport until the 1970s, during the age of jumbo jets. The main terminal was designed to suggest graceful beauty, much like flight. In addition to designing a modern building, Saarinen created mobile lounges, that served as waiting areas that also bused people to their flights. The modernist design features concrete, glass, and steel. The shape of the roof curves up like a wing in flight.

Rick Joy – amangiri Resort & Spa

Rick Joy is an architect that has a style that seems to match the building with the environment that surrounds it giving the structures a very natural look. The Amangiri Resort & Spa is no exception to this. Being located in the dessert of Canyon Point, Utah the landscape surrounding the structure is sandy ground with large mesas surrounding it providing the resort with privacy that comes with a beautiful view. The concrete building has a beautiful pool that flows through the interior courtyards of the resort that give provides the guests with a relaxing and peaceful stay.

AMAN's Amangiri Hotel & Resort in Utah is out of STAR WARS

Amangiri Gallery - Luxury Resort in Canyon Point, Utah - Aman

Viettel Headquarters – PTW Architects

Viettel Headquarters is another cool building that was designed by PTW architects. Most of the building is made out of glass walls and has a light color scheme throughout the rooms which gives a brighter and more open environment. I think it is interesting how its interior design is composed of lines and circles which seems simple but positioned in a unique way. I also think adding the various indoor plants inside the office gives the illusion of working outside in an open space rather than a typical office building that is crammed with cubicles. I think this open/bright environment gives a positive and creative influence on its employees. Although the building has many positive aspects, having too many glass walls can also be a negative thing. The glass walls can easily lead to distraction for workers as they can see activity around them. I also think having too many glass walls will make the building too bright inside work environments. This building is uniquely structured, and I think it brings a different and cool approach to the working environment.

Brother Klaus Field Chapel – Peter Zumthor

Brother Klaus Field Chapel was designed by Peter Zumthor in Germany in 2007. The Chapel sits alone in a large, flat field, and seems to reach high in the sky compared to it’s surroundings. The building was constructed from 112 tree trunks to create a large wooden prism. The roof is made from molten lead, and looks great in contrast with the wood walls. Looking up towards the cieling from the inside gives you a great vision of how high up the chapel reaches, along with seeing the great design of the cieling. The cieling is partially open, so it is penetrated by both light and rain, which combines with the wooden walls to create a very natural feeling. The entrance for the building is a triangle, which adds more unique flare to this chapel. Zumthor really outdid himself by creating a building that remained in touch with nature will still creating an innovative design.

Centre Pompidou By Renzo Piano

Located in Paris, France

The building is very distinct in the sense that it looks like nothing before and is one of a kind. The building is intended to house all genres of art. It holds actual art, a massive library, and a place for music. All of the pipes and infrastructure are colored according to its purpose. For example, everything red is used for the public to get around the building and blue is for air circulation. My immediate reaction was wondering whether i was done or not. Upon further examination, I realized the building was intended to look like this in order to maximize internal space. The more you look at it the more beautiful it becomes. It was designed in reverse compared to other building. The infrastructure was built on the outside which gives it an industrial look while still seeming as though it was designed this way. It is not cluttered and is rather organized.

Saint Benedict Chapel – Peter Zumthor

Built in 1988 in Switzerland, Saint Benedict Chapel is a very unique baroque style chapel. The chapel is shaped like a boat, and rises above it’s surroundings. It is also flanked by a giant chapel bell, which makes the building stand out. The true beauty of the building is the inside, which is cylinder shaped due to the shape of the outer wall. The inside is lined with wooden shingles that spiral up the cylinder up to an amazing cieling. In between the shingles are vertical windows which allow the room to be flooded with light, and create an interesting design because of the positioning of the windows and shingles. Zumthor’s design is simple yet unique and visually pleasing. It is definitely one of the more interesting chapels I have seen.

Union Station

Located in Denver, Colorado

The Station featured glorious gothic style architecture. On both the inside and the outside, every brick was perfectly placed. In the mid 1800’s, the building was designed as a smaller train station which over time grew to be the massive station it is today. It grabbed my attention due to the mixing of modern styles and past styles. The massive lights on top made me feels like I was back in time. I rode the train to the airport and had a great experience. I feel as though the building is a great place to visit and hangout as it can take hours to soak in all of its beauty.

Dale hall

Edward Everett Dale Hall Norman, Oklahoma OK Original Vintage ...
Dale hall is not the most interesting design of a building and personally I don’t think it looks rather good but it just goes to show that a building is more than what it looks like based on the memories it can hold. This building holds many memories for me, mostly from freshman year. I remember the runs from the dorms in order to try and make it to class some what on time as well as the many friends I made in those classes. It brings back our pledge class chapters from freshman year that often got just a little bit to rowdy and the freezing walk over there from Bens house. this building although not pretty to me holds many fond memories that give it a special value to me.