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St. Basil’s Cathedral Moscow

Mike Pullin

What’s cool is that we had been in Russia for about two weeks before we ever even made it over to Red Square to check it out. Being able to meet a ton of great people from all over the world was a great experience that I still carry with me today. One of the great things about the structure is the amount of detail throughout it all. The variety of shapes and colors are just the first layer of intricate designs that cover the outside. As you go inside, even though many areas are quite small and tight, it’s fascinating to see the artwork. This is one of those buildings that every time I see a picture of it every memory of that time comes back.

Elbphilharmonie- Herzog & de Meuron

Located in Hamburg, Germany is the Elbphilharmonie Philharmonic Hall. The first foundation stone was laid in 2007, and completion of the project came in 2017. Currently, the Elbphilharmonie is one of the largest and acoustically advanced philharmonic halls in the world. The building resembles a large ship at sea. The glass mimics the look of a sail blowing in the wind, while the lower section represents the hull. I love this structure personally because I was able to figure out the deeper meaning behind its design before doing research. The building gives off the message that ship life has played a significant role in the livelihood of people of Hamburg for many years. The Elbphilharmonie is a building that not only hosts concerts but also makes it clear that Hamburg is a city proud of its harbor.

St. Basil’s Cathedral Moscow, Russia

Mike Pullin

Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow is a true work of beauty. I was fortunate enough to be able to visit Moscow in 1992 with a number of friends. The cathedral is located in Red Square which provides an interesting back drop to say the least. While there is always a lot of history both good and bad that is usually associated with old cathedrals or buildings, the most important thing about this structure for me is the time in my life that it represents. The Soviet Union had just recently collapsed and at the time it seemed like a lot of new possibilities were just on the horizon. The opportunity to travel there was out of left field but I took the leap of faith and it made a large difference in my life. The friendships and life lessons that I gained from that trip have been with me my entire life. The cathedral itself is amazing and we were lucky enough to tour the inside. It became sort of an unofficial symbol of our trip. If you ever get the chance I highly recommend it.

Physical science center

The physical science center at OU is where I practically earned my degree. It is where I spent most of my time, either in class, studying, or in a lab. This is the building where I had my first ever science class, and where I fell in love with science. I made friends here, and many memories to go along with it. This building has changed my life in more ways than one. The Physical science center has helped me developed as a person and as a student.

1111 Lincoln Road- Herzog & de Meuron

1111 Lincoln Road by Herzog & de Meuron

Located in Miami, Florida, is one of the different parking garages you may ever find. Construction began on the garage in 2008 and opened in 2010. Herzog and de Meuron designed the building to resemble a house of cards. Because of this, the structure has an open-air design, supported by buttresses and cantilevers. This building impacted me personally because it took a parking garage, which is typically a boring structure, and turned it into a work of art. 1111 Lincoln Road is a work of art, and the architects behind it are artists at their core. 1111 Lincoln Road is one of many Herzog and de Meuron projects that more than met people’s expectations.

Barashi Queen Anne


The Barashi Queen Anne by Elemental Architecture is a residential project. This residence specifically I was interested in because the design maximizes the use of space. Also the use of large windows although for natural to light to pour through the home from every angle. Instead being built in a traditional way everything from the shape of the building to its color promotes a very modern lifestyle.


Dakota Townhomes


This townhome by Elemental Architecture called the Dakota Townhomes is another example of how they maximize the space allotted by building up rather than out. This project because although at a first glance the structure looks like an office building it’s a multi-family home. The use of large windows places an emphasis on natural lighting and at the same time the shape of the building offers privacy from the neighbors. The use of the rooftop as a deck provides a traditional home feature to a not so traditional home.


Marrowstone Cabin

The Marrowstone Cabin is another residential project by Elemental Architecture is. It is a very a simple building that places more focus on the surrounding landscape. I thought this small cabin was interesting because when you here the word cabin most would instantly picture heavy logs. This cabin is a modern style that would attract those who are stuck in the mindset that a cabin has to be a dark wooden fort secluded in forest or mountaintops. The using the large windows in this small project seems to place more emphasis on looking out to enjoy the scenery than creating and opportunity for the flow of natural lighting.


my home

They say that home is where the heart is; however when I think of home, this is where my mind goes. I have lived in this house since I was five years old until I moved to college. This building is where when all else fails, I know I can return and have a bed waiting on me. My house is where I feel the safest out of anywhere in the world. Through the good times and the bad times, this house has been there every step of the way.

Genesee Townhomes

The Genesee Townhome created by Elemental Architecture was an interesting building because the shape of building creates and effect that makes it seem large than what it is. This multi-family house features a large rectangular editions on the exterior that are simply to satisfy a response much like a art work in a gallery or museum. The colors used also help to add to the concept of contrast in this building. The large windows and block feature of the structure, which seems to be a trademark of Elemental, maximize the how much natural light is allowed to come in which may also be an additional effect that seems to make this building seem like much more than it its.
