All posts by Tianwei Zhang


Haegsch Hof is a very complex place in de Riviernbuurt. Between 2006 and 2010, it was a complex rather than a separate building. But in the later period, this complex was changed into a separate building. From the design of these buildings, we can find that Rob Krier is an architect who cares about practicality. Almost all of his buildings are used for residences or blocks. Moreover, the shapes of these buildings and windows are very angular, which is also a feature.


This building is Muzentoren located in The Hague, Netherlands. The architect is also Rob Krier. We can see that this is a modern building, gray occupies most of the exterior of the building, and the extensive use of glass makes the building look a little more industrial. Moreover, Rob Krier is a painter and sculptor as an architect. Therefore, from the various stages of the building, from the windows to the chimney, all the details are carefully designed by him and painted by himself. Practicability and environmental protection are also guaranteed.


Brandevoort - Wikipedia

Another building designed by Rob Krier, Brandevoort, is located in a block in Helmond, the Netherlands. Seriously speaking, Brandevort is not a separate building, it is a community. About 9,000 people in this community live in a total of 3,000 houses and apartments. This block was formerly farmland, which was later annexed by Helmond. Brandevort is built around a central “fortress” called De Veste. There are supermarkets, health centers, kindergartens, and even a railway station in the community. These designs make Brandevort look like a small city.



The architect I chose was Rob Krier, a sculptor, architect, urban designer, and theorist from Luxembourg. He taught architecture at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. In addition to being a visiting professor at many universities, he has also designed many outstanding buildings. One of the buildings is the Artklass building in Bilbao, Spain,this is an apartment. This is a beautiful building with a green and gold dome facing six different directions. From the exterior of this building, we can see that this building has some retro style, but it also has a modern flavor.

Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris

This photo is of Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, which is located in the center of Paris, France. It is a very beautiful Gothic Christian church building. I have always wanted to see Notre Dame de Paris. It appears in many literary works, and also in my junior high school history textbook. So I always wanted to see this magical building with my own eyes. Although we live in modern times, when I see it, I seem to be back to the Middle Ages. The sculptures and paintings inside the church, as well as a large number of art treasures in the church, make me very yearning. But before I had time to visit, the roof of Notre Dame de Paris caught fire, causing irreparable damage. So I can only watch the photos now.

The great wall

This is the Great Wall. It is an ancient defense project with the longest construction time and the largest amount of engineering in China and the world. Since the 7th and 8th centuries BC, the Great Wall has been built. The construction time has continued for more than 2,000 years, and the length is about 50,000 kilometers, which is a very vast project. When I was young, I always wanted to visit the Great Wall. Its historical features were too attractive to me. When I went to Beijing and finally boarded the Great Wall. At that moment, I felt that there was some kind of magical connection that connected me to ancient times. Let me know more about history.

Walker center

This building is the Walker Center, a dormitory building on campus, and it is also the building that impressed me the most on Campus. This building was where I lived when I first arrived at OU, and it was also the first time I lived in the United States. It has a lot of positive effects on me, and it also leaves me with many memories. Here I met my roommates, they are all very friendly people. My friend and I will review the exam together in the study room in the Walker Center. We also go to the shop on the first floor to buy some snacks to share with each other. There is also a laundry room in the basement, and there is a place to print things on the first floor. It is no exaggeration to say that Walker Center has almost everything I need. It is very convenient and all kinds of facilities are also very good. Whenever I go back to the dormitory after school, I feel a sense of relaxation like when I get home. The reason why I like this building is first, it makes me feel at home, and secondly, it has many memories from when I first came to OU. Finally, it is indeed a multi-functional building, and it is very close to the gym or the restaurant, which is very convenient for us.

Hong Ya Dong

The name of this building is Hong Ya Dong. It is located in Chongqing, China, and is a building imitating ancient China. I first saw this building when I graduated from high school. My friends and I went on a graduation trip together. The city we chose to travel to was Chongqing. Although this is a modern building, its style completely imitates the style of ancient buildings. When I first saw this building, I seemed to have suddenly returned to ancient times. I think the people who built Hongya Dong must like ancient culture very much, and it is also a good commercial method. This style of imitating ancient architecture attracts many people here. My friends and I also stayed in Hongya Dong for a long time, and we took a lot of photos. That day, my friends and I had a great time at Hongya Dong. Although we haven’t seen each other for a long time after graduating from high school, every time I see this building or see the photos on the mobile phone, I think of the time when we graduated and traveled. Hongya Dong is like a testimony of our friendship and it has profound meaning to me.