All posts by taylornalexander

Avlar Aalor #3

Alvar Aalto designed the Riola Parish Church in Grizzana Morandi, Italy. It was complete in 1978 and is located in a small town called Riola This building is a concrete form that highlights aspects of Italian landscape. This church has a structure that represents a place of faith and peace. There is light let in on the ceilings through vertical, asymmetrical ribs. The outside of the church is inspired by the three mountains that surround the city called Riola. The style of the inside of the church is modern with wooden pews.

AD Classics: Riola Parish Church / Alvar Aalto | ArchDaily

Alvae Aalto #2

Alvar Aalto designed a building called the Vyborg Library that was built from 1927 to 1935 in Vyborg, Russia. This building is most famous for the ceiling in the auditorium that looks like the shape of a wave. Aalto’s unique design of this building led to be considered a milestone in the history of modern architecture. The architecture included classical elements along with new designs and Finnish landscape.

AD Classics: Viipuri Library / Alvar Aalto | ArchDaily

Alvar Aalto #1

Alvar Aalto was known as a Finnish architect and designer who developed his own style. Aalto’s style also consisted He designed furniture, glassware, textiles, sculptures, architecture, and painted. One of his famous works is called the Säynätsalo Town Hall. This building is located in the center of a small town in Finland. It was designed by Aalto in 1949 and includes elements of classicism, modernity, and intimacy. The Town Hall was built for local government offices, staff apartments, and retail space. Most of the building is made out of stone and brick with a wooden staircase and a courtyard in the middle.

Säynätsalo Town Hall - Wikipedia


Barre3 is a workout studio that combines the elements of dance, pilates, and yoga. I have been going to barre3 since I was 14 and have always loved it. I enjoy staying active and healthy and this studio helps me do that. I usually go to the studio in Oklahoma City, but there are Barre3 studios all around the United States. The classes are an hour long and I always feel rejuvenated after each class. I feel like I worked hard and feel stronger. I love this building because the barre room has a wall that is a full window so it feels more open.

barre3 oklahoma city

Christ The King Catholic Church

I have been attending this Christ the King Catholic Church in Oklahoma City with my family since I was born. It has influenced me in a positive way and has given me a foundation of faith in my life. Whenever I walk into this building I feel like I can forget about what else is going on in my life and focus on myself and my relationship with God. This church has became a tradition for my family and me to go every Sunday morning. My favorite part of this building is the stain glass windows on the sides. When the sunlight shines through the windows it makes the whole church look colorful.

Saint's Relics in OKC - Photo Gallery


Braums Burger Restaurant

I chose the restaurant Braums because it has had a positive influence on my life. This is a place where I go with friends very often to meet up and talk while eating ice cream. I have grown up with a braums at the end of my street so I knew the braums in Norman would already be one of my favorite places. I enjoy the food and ice cream here and would recommend this place to everyone. The style of this building has a homey feeling to me .

Delta Delta Delta

This building that has influenced me in a positive way is my sorority house on College Avenue called Delta Delta Delta. I lived in this house last year with 100 other girls in my sorority. I did not have very high expectations of me enjoying living here at first because I had never had to use community bathrooms before and I had heard rumors that is can be loud all the time. After the first few weeks of living here I was so glad I got this opportunity to grow closer to all of the girls living in also. The community bathrooms ended up not bothering me at all because I ended up enjoying being able to talk to my friends while getting ready. I was also thankful for the location of Tri Delt because I could walk to any of my classes from there.

Taylor Alexander